Free (sub) domain, redirection ip and smtp for delivery to an exchange server?


I know im probably asking too much, but this is only for learning/testing purposes.

Anyone know of a free or collection of decent sites that cater for:-

- I want to register a subdomain e.g
- I want to configure my isps ip to that address
- I then want email forwarders or smtp forwarders, so when they email it gets sent to my internal exchange server for routing to the client.

Yeah, I know. I could google, but maybe someone here has all the answers straight away :)

Simply register your own domain. It's cheap (less than $20) to most service providers.
- I then want email forwarders or smtp forwarders, so when they email it gets sent to my internal exchange server for routing to the client.
Your server or your ISPs servers?

If it is your server and it is publicly available (which it needs to be somehow if you can actually receive any kind of mail at all with it), you can use any (dynamic) IP provider, like no-ip with appropriate MX records and the server properly configured.

If it's your ISPs servers and the (dynamic) IP provider doesn't support straight e-mail forwarding, you should be able to sign up for 'Google Apps for Your Domain' and from there forward to another e-mail address (Seems to be in limited beta still, so only if you're lucky)

No-ip seems to offer e-mail forwarding for $34.95/year (while my domain provider offers a domain, that and much more for $7.95/year ;) )
- I want to register a subdomain e.g
- I want to configure my isps ip to that address
- I then want email forwarders or smtp forwarders, so when they email it gets sent to my internal exchange server for routing to the client.

i think you want something like . i'm using it since years, it does everything you want and then some, is completely free, always online, and every email-address gets forwarded to your specified one, so you have practically unlimited addresses. there are other similar services out there, but i forgot their names, works flawlessly for what it's intended. :)