PS3's MMO's have been a complete flop. Prior to this generation we had talk of all this persistant worlds like The Agency and Free Realms and whatever NCSoft were going to produce, all made possible thanks to PS3's yadayada, and it hasn't happened. Yet another example of why it's good never to buy on faith and instead wait to see the goods on the table!
Absolutely! That said, DC Universe is out now, and it even charted in the UK ... Looks like Free Realsm in February, and Final Fantasy XIV was coming too but (probably for the better) has been delayed because of criticism of the PC version. Just about my only prediction for this year that I made last December was that 2011 would be the year of the console RPGs. That's not to say they'd be a success, mind, they can still easily flop - but pretty sure we'd see a bunch of them, and that prediction is coming out pretty early in the year from the looks of things.
Very curious to see if Free Realms supports Move.