I personally think they should use writable media the same way they used carts. Have a part of the game disk be writable for saved games, unlockables, ect. I've been using mem cards forever and still hate them. I always manage to erase hours and hours of work with stupid mistakes like leaving my US mem card in my gcn and booting up a JP game that formats it. They go bad, get lost ect. One year a flood in our basement ruined my uber psx mem card with EVERYTHING on it.
At the very least console manufactureres ought to put a big mem card on board. Despite my nervousness about magnetic media in consoles, xbox has been really nice this way. I don't ever have to think about it.. just put a game in and there it is.
..but maybe I just make simple things way too complicated
At the very least console manufactureres ought to put a big mem card on board. Despite my nervousness about magnetic media in consoles, xbox has been really nice this way. I don't ever have to think about it.. just put a game in and there it is.
..but maybe I just make simple things way too complicated