Thanks for all the great suggestions.
I manage to fix the DVD issue, the reason why I couldn't before is it won't allow it while the DVD is playing - it has to be stopped.
Some general thoughs:
- PS2 exterior design, very well done.
- The IR remote controller is very useless. It takes up a game port and it's
no where near as intuitive as the wired controller.
- MGS2 is extremely well executed. It uses low textures to its advantage.
Because the polygon use is quite good, it uses the same scheme of grey
blueish textures to create that tone/atmosphere and because the texture
detail is minimal, it keeps the frequency down and illiminates texture
shimmering. I am not saying this is good or bad, just that this is the final
effect. And I personally think it's very nice manipulation of graphics.
- MGS2 is a huge gimmick game. I have no idea how much hardcoding
went into the game but just the things you can do, most Carmack would
instantly put down as 'gimmicks'. No wonder so many people think
Carmack can't make games.
But it's highly subjective really, I find
gimmicks, if done right, extremely amusing.
- ICO is a trip to a another world and back. Makes you sad when you
return to this world again. I want to be a 12 year old boy and explore
a castle with a ghostly girl!!! (no I don't need a girlfriend, you know they an't as good as ICO
Game most look'in forward to - Silent Hill 3.