Few questions on building a new PC.


I am having a hard time deciding what to put in a pc that I am building about 2-3 months from now. The major decision is 754, 939, or socket A and AGP or PCI-e.

I am leaning towards a 754 socket 3000+(or 2800+) and a 9700pro(best card for the price). The only problem is that I read that AMD is going to use 754 for lower end chips, and that seems like the sempton. So the first question is, Will AMD continue to make their 64 bit series avaible on 754 or just the semptons? Because if that is the case I'll stick with socket A and AGP for the lower price and upgrade to 939 as soon as the chips comes down in price a bit.

Now if AMD will make better chips than the sempton on 754, then the decision will be whether to get AGP or PCI-e. So the next question is, do they have any motherboards that support 754 and have AGP and PCI-e? I read that VIA is coming out with one for 939 and wondering if there was any for 754. If so I'll get that.

However if there is no such board with agp and pci-e with a 754 socket then my choice will be whether to get a AGP with 9700pro or pci-e with x600. However I haven't been able to find much information comparing the two card directly but it seems like the 9700pro will be better, but its agp and my mobo wouldn't be future proof. So my third question is, should I get a 754 and PCI-e with a x600 and pay more for less performance and be future proof, or just go 754 and AGP and use a 9700pro until the x800 XT comes down in price and get that card?

The thing is that I don't have much money right now, but need a new computer. However, I want to be able to upgrade piece by piece over the next couple of years. I don't want to have to buy a mobo, proccesor and video card all at the same time again for the forseeable future. So my last question is, Will Via still release the mobo with 939 , agp and pci-e and how long do you think it will be before the Athlon 64 3500+ 939 will drop to around $200 or so?


Also how will the performance of the sempton 754 compare to the 64 bit chips?
Buying a PC 2-3 months from now I would probably get a 939 board & PCI-e just because they will be the standard for the life of your system, but if you're going for bang-for-buck a SocketA system with one of them mobile bartons clocked up to 2.2Ghz+ and an AGP slot can't be beat right now. (I just got one of them new mobile bartons and love it)
digitalwanderer said:
Buying a PC 2-3 months from now I would probably get a 939 board & PCI-e just because they will be the standard for the life of your system, but if you're going for bang-for-buck a SocketA system with one of them mobile bartons clocked up to 2.2Ghz+ and an AGP slot can't be beat right now. (I just got one of them new mobile bartons and love it)

Well the main question now is, Will Via still come out with the 939 socket that comes with AGP and PCI-E?

If that is the case, I could get a 9700pro and a Socket A, and would only have to upgrade my processor and motherboard to 939 when the processors are cheaper.