Far Cry 6 [2021-10-07]

I actually enjoyed this as much as I did the previous 2, the only parts I disliked was the enforced stealth mission towards the end, when the outcome was always going to be the same anyway, and also the bullet sponginess of some enemies. Which just slows you down more than anything and this game, out of all of them, feels like you should be playing fast.

I also liked the humour scattered throughout missions, and I learnt to hate chickens :D One thing that did bug me though was that the graphics, even with ray tracing, seemed to be lacking some of the fidelity of FC5. Especially the character models. But that is probably Dunia just showing its age now.
finished after 28h, had good time with it, its not very ambitious but good enough to finish it without being tired, graphics could have be better (especialy character models, draw distance and generaly it has kinda burry presentation), narration is improved over fc5 as at least main character speaks but for sure not lou2 or rdr2 level ;d recommand if you are not tired formula (I passed fc5 after few hours, and last fc I finished was 3rd), 7.5/10