

13 short of a dozen
Those of you in college, are you on facebook? If not then you need to be (if its available for your school, go to facebook.com) and if so then who are you???
It's kinda an online yearbook but for everyone that has their campus listed. For example I go to UCSC and I'm bunched up with all my my UCSC buddies. There's a buddy list you can grow and a messaging system to send messages. it's kinda like a more limited Myspace.com.


i found some good info on the wiki, this thing is like the hitchhiker's guide!
silence said:
i think Sage should try posting his pic on hotornot.com ..... so we can track his results ;)

Could do but I think obscene images violate their AUP.
bouy said:
I thought about suggesting it but aren't groups limited to certain schools?

I'll make one and we'll find out....what should it be called?

Beyond3D, or Beyond3D fanATIcs, or Beyond3D nvIDIOTS...?
I just found this girl from high school who is in a very slutty picture on facebook. I love this thing! :devilish: I want to add her as a friend just to say I did.