Ever Google yourself?

I Googled the heck out of this one woman I was interested in.

Didn't know it at the time, but I got her e-mail address from Google but didn't use it. She later gave it to me. :)
So how do you score this egoogling? I think it should be youe real name and how many entrys or pages (if your famous :) ) till its not you.

I get half way the 3rd page before its not me (as Dean Calver)...

Now I'm also quite m scared, quite a few people quote me in other forums...
There was I thinking my posts here were among a few friends, I find I'm refered to on just about every console forum on the net :oops:
The first three hits and some after that are about my filtering test, and the project report I did in Ireland is still on the first page, but there are some really scary links following that. One is some really freaky horror story, but I'm glad "my" character only plays a very minor role in it...
Oh, good lord, my comparison of the differences between the Euro/Japanese and American editions of the original Highlander movie are still floating around out there! (Well, my wife put it on our site --which I hadn't realized until just now, but the original FAQ is out there too at least two different sites).

I do okay, but I'm under a couple versions of my name, and way too many bb posts. I'm very afraid of how much of the massive, unthinkable power of Google's server farms are being drained by tracking digi's wanderings. . .