Ethics as it pertains to returning broken stuff

Is returning a broken Xbox360 to a retailer like Costco bad?

  • Stealing is always something I look down upon no matter the circumstance

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • In a situation like this I find it acceptable, but only if Microsoft would not take it back

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Microsoft is to blame, and if they would not take it back, well, "sorry chum"

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • I want a third solution which I will outline in my post.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
In this case however both sides have a clear choice. The buyer knew what he was getting into before, during, and after the purchase of his Xbox 360.

I disagree. As soon as a product hits the store a buyer can expect that the product is well made and will last for a decent amount of time. Because if the product isnt up to standerds, it shouldnt be sold.

I disagree with a lot of laws, but I think it is both legally and ethically wrong in what this person did. They had a choice, a very clear choice, it was their fault that made a bad decision.

Yes he had a choice. And he chose to buy a xbox360 because how the hell is he supposed to know MS sells faulty products? I didnt see any x360 with a sign on it: WARNING! THIS PRODUCT MAY BE FAULTY. If it did, than the kid would have know what he was getting into. But now he didnt. He assumed that he bought a quality product.

They do not, but that does not give this person the right to steal and therefore hurt me in return.

On the other hand, should he be hurt for MS selling him a faulty product?

And let's not forget this is a kid we are talking about. He doesn't earn your six digit silicon valley salary. That XBOX360 probably meant a lot to him. Where's the friggin compassion?

Their compassion is with their six diget salary.

I for one can't stand parents raising children to actually have ethics, morals, and a respect for the law.

Funny to hear that from you because you seem to have no ethics and morals. Atleast not the right ones. You sound like what we call a moraalridder (morals knight). That is someone who constantly screams how he always does what the law tells him to and says that people that do something ''bad'' should go to jail while he himself has alot more up his sleeve than most people.

The kid is the victem to begin with. He bought a faulty product without knowing that (MS never pointed that out to their costumers). After that MS screws him again by not replacing the product. So the kid decides to screw MS back. IMHO he is right. It might not be legal but he did what the law should have done for him in the first place.

Oh, and in case you didnt know it yet. Laws arnt always perfect. This is a case were the wrong side gets protected.
I had a long response typed, I figure it pointless now. Its not worth arguing when I read your comments and there's nothing but cheap snide remarks.
how the hell is he supposed to know MS sells faulty products?
Common sense? You know, electronic products can fail, and stastically speaking if enough people buy a given product someone is going to have it fail right after the warranty expires, however long that might be. Common sense should tell you that, and you should have enough sense to look at the warranty before you buy and see if the terms are acceptable to you.

But haven't we already been over this? Sheesh.

Funny to hear that from you because you seem to have no ethics and morals. Atleast not the right ones.
Oh, now that's a good one!

Perhaps you should read back until you find the post where I said I would be in agreement with minimum warranty periods. You know, many states in the US have such laws, and proposals for nationwide have been on the table before. But I also agree with the idea that the governmental process and legal system here work pretty damned well, and are set up the way they are for a damned good reason. Individuals don't get to decide which laws apply to them and which don't, unless you happen to be elected president.

You sound like what we call a moraalridder (morals knight). That is someone who constantly screams how he always does what the law tells him to and says that people that do something ''bad'' should go to jail while he himself has alot more up his sleeve than most people.
Well now, you certainly presume a lot about me by a few posts. How insightful of you. Seems like at half the people out there agree with my viewpoint, and probably more than half if you look only at the US. And I don't constantly scream about how other people are up to no good... I didn't start this thead Einstein. I gave my opinion, and I've responded to ridiculous arguments such as the ones you make.