marconelly! said:
I really *really* hope that XBox or Gamecube get the bulk of the games. Why? Cause I've got a cube and I'm getting an XBox soon. Phooey on PS2.
So you like Enix and Square games and you don't have and don't like PS2? Well, sucks to be you :LOL:

I love the DragonQuest Series with a PASSION!!! And I used to love Square before they FMV'd the FF series.

I really want another Chronotrigger game though....

Yea I sold my PS2 to my brother. I didn't like the games that came out for it. Please oh please oh please let DQ come out first for GC or XBox....
Natoma said:
marconelly! said:
I really *really* hope that XBox or Gamecube get the bulk of the games. Why? Cause I've got a cube and I'm getting an XBox soon. Phooey on PS2.
So you like Enix and Square games and you don't have and don't like PS2? Well, sucks to be you :LOL:

I love the DragonQuest Series with a PASSION!!! And I used to love Square before they FMV'd the FF series.

I really want another Chronotrigger game though....

Yea I sold my PS2 to my brother. I didn't like the games that came out for it. Please oh please oh please let DQ come out first for GC or XBox....

Why don´t you just get a PS2? You do know that the chances of seeing DQ on a system other than PS2 is next to nothing, right? :LOL:

"Wishfull thinking will only make the truth more painfull" - Trigun :D
It was a no-brainer that the series was going to Playstation2. Nintendo owners shouldn't have bothered getting their hopes up...
Taken from GA:

Gamefront's newest update includes some new information from Japan. Apparently, Square-Enix have stated they plan to develop for a "next-generation console" slated for a 2005 Japanese release.

Obviously, It's gotta be XBox2 :rolleyes: (couldn't help myself after all the useless talk earlier in this thread)
I don't know about this whole "next-generation console" thing.

I mean, yes.. most everybody (including myself) assumes that it's the PS3. Duh.. but why not just come out and say that they're working on the PS3 or Sony's next console if not "PS3"? Perhaps I'd reading this the wrong way.. but y'know.. Nintendo, MS, or another corporation could also release a console in 2005. MS does want to beat Sony to market, remember.

Of course, the PS2 and GCN are slaughtering Xbox in Japan.. so what I just said about MS is probably unlikely.. heh..
You have to remember that (or at the very least AFAIK), it´s typical for japanese companies to not announce what system they are developing on, even if it´s painfully obvious which one it is.
Look at what happened with FF and DQ, look at what happened with MGS2. Everybody knew what system those were for, but the uncertainty led to a higher interest and rumors surrounding those titles.
I suppose it wouldn't be too smart to announce development for PS3 (or Xbox 2) because the current consoles aren't even halfway through their life cycle. Announcing support for "the next" console might get people worried and save up for the next ones. :-?
Perhaps the fact that the "NGConsole" hasn't been announced yet is another reason. I think it's a foregone conclusion which console they'll be looking at.

Phil said:
Announcing support for "the next" console might get people worried and save up for the next ones. :-?

Good point, which reminds me of a term that means that exact thing. We used it quite alot at Fool.com, I just can't seem to remember - it was named after a next generation device which was announced and actually killed the company because sales plummeted of the current device.

Geeforcer or Dave remember? This is killing me. :LOL: