E3 in a nutshell (Give your thoughts!)

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therealskywolf said:

Too many Pre.Rendered work, but i guess Sony didnt have anything else to show.

stop assuming everything was pre-rendered!! I get really irritated at how people assume it was all pre-rendered.. most of us already know that the dev kits had a cell chip and two 6800U SLI (whatever it was called). Much points to kill zone being rendered in real time! so I'm happy with that, btw don't ever assume something that hasn't been proven! :) So I guess I can't assume either but I will.. presume it is, lol. not the show itself is the only thing that proves to it being real time but a lot of other things, like net rumours etc and people claiming to know people who made parts of it. Mostly its negative rumours roaming around but this one was positive.. so stay positive and cheers.. :)

btw the conference wasn't slow at all, they gave us a lot of details, important ones and I am about it. the tech demos were great and gave a lot of hints about how the next gen ps3's graphics will really be like after seeing the demos as well. so a lot points out to the next gen actually being CGI graphics rendered in real time! :) anyway I could be wrong but I don't think so.
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