DX 3D audio and 2 speaker configuration


Retarded moron
I run a 2 speaker setup, is there any benefit from using 3D sound?

Reverb, Chorus? Anything even the slightest advantage over 2D sound?

I have an extra 2 speakers but not enough room to place them anywhere and when I did go to the trouble in doing so, all it did was having sounds coming from behind which wasn't useful under any circumstance.
A3D supported a 2 speaker mode, which, if you set your speakers properly, you can enjoy 3D sound just like using a headphone. I don't know whether DirectSound 3D has similar mode.
Thanks, maybe I'm asking the wrong question though.

What is 3D sound?
How does it work on a 2 speaker system?
Since people has only two ears, it is theoretically possible to recreate a "positioning sound effect" with just two speakers. It is just like using only two images to create depth perception. Of course, in both cases the reality is a bit more complicated, especially for ears.

A simple way to create realistic surround sound effect is to use dummy head (binaural) recording. Basically it put two microphones on the ears of a full size dummy head. Using a headphone to listen a dummy head recording feels very realistic.

It's also possible to create similar effects with two speakers. However, it is important that the position of the speakers must be correct.
A3D utilizes "HRTF" to synthesize the effect for headphone and stereo speakers. DirectSound3D also have a software HRTF algorithm (A3D is also software, it's in the driver). Another company called Sensaura also has a HRTF algorithm. Unfortunately, both Aureal and Sensaura are bought by Creative.

The new Audigy 2 ZS sound card from Creative has a better (than older Live! series cards) HRTF effects using headphones. I don't know if it supports HRTF over stereo speakers, though.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I run a 2 speaker setup, is there any benefit from using 3D sound?
Yes. It means that your soundcard will use its two-speaker algorithms, which means crosstalk cancellation + HRTFs usually. This is better than the simple volume panning that game engines normally provide on their own. And if the game supports EAX, you will naturally get all the environmental effects it provides. They are not dependent on the number of output channels.