DVD Coating developed - DVD Capacity upto 500 Gb

... not sure what this has to do with DVDs really... I mean it's a new format which will need new players, so it's no different from any new format that's being introduced, with the only difference that it's just bigger. It's not like it will work with current players, and new players will cost just as much as any other new expensive player being introduced in the market...

I won't hold my breath...
It looks like some small Israeli think tank is just hyping some of their ideas. I see no evidence of a demonstrated product practical for the near future.

It looks like they are just fishing for someone to buy their patents rights from them.
It's an old thing cooked up by IBM, only they used regular cellotape to do it. ;)
They claim the purpose in the near term will be to sell to corporations for data storage. Makes sense to me. Discs like these are vastly more reliable than magnetic media.