Dungeons & Dragons


Dungeon Siege Hack & Slash or something else ?

(note that Dungeon Siege is well done, and have nice graphics (but requires high end PC))

Gonna Wait & See.
I hope they won't include D&D rules, cause they are far from good (but not too bad)
its supposed to be hack and slash but with more RPG elements involved than most games of that type(BG:DA, Etc)
I think it looks great, IM very excited about it
This is like the 2D scrolling versions of Dungeons and Dragons that were in the arcades.....they had leveling up, stockable items and weapons and multiple paths. AWESOME game.

I'll miss the animated 2D sprite setup.
Those arcade D&D games were awesome. If this one runs at a proper framerate *twhaps BG:DA for GC* it's so gonna be mine :D