Driving after drinking

_xxx_ said:
Guden, you're a bit extreme. At least 50% of all drivers drive worse sober than I do drunk. What should we do about these? You know, "cool" 18 yrs. old thinking they're race drivers or the 70 yrs. old driving 60 kmh on the highway in the left lane? I'd personally take their license first. Because they're the actual cause for most accidents, though not so obvious.

I was about to state that, but I'll flip it around...what if those 50 percentile drivers that drive worse sober than drunk are drunk? :oops:
Diplo said:
_xxx_ said:
At least 50% of all drivers drive worse sober than I do drunk.
Drunk drivers always think they drive well in the same way as alcoholics don't think they have a drink problem.

not really, depends on how much you drank.
for instance if i go out and do drink and have to drive later i drive slower and i more then carefull about road signs, rules and stuff..... OTOH when i have 2-3 hot chicks in my car and i am sober i tend to try to impress them....

also.... if i did drink and have to drive someone else in my car i am even more carefull....

so basically i am less dangerous on road when i am drunk with someone in the car then sober with hot chicks that i ma trying to impress....

yes....its childlish.....but HOT CHICKS!!!!!!! man..... there are reallly hot girls here, not like in US where hot is everything under 200 lbs
To set the record straigh: I was not drunk. I only had 3 drinks over a 3 hour period. I was well within the legal limit. (Before people keep wishing me death threats).

A guy in front of me today had to be drunk. He was swerving all over the place on my trip home from work.
"When I was young and irresponsible. . .I was young and irresponsible." Of course, that was 25 years ago in a rural area, and that kind of thing was still winked at.

Happily, I married a designated driver. :)
_xxx_, did you have other people actually assessing your driving skills while you were drunk, or are you just describing how YOU felt that you where driving?

The big thing about people driving (or in general, just being) drunk is how dramatically they over-estimate their skills/performance and neglect risks and safety measures while being drunk, so it is a bit hard to lend credence to claims people make about how well they drive while drunk. Then again, at least you are realistic about alcohol diminishing your skills - many other people seem to end up feeling unsafe in normal traffic while driving sober, then lose awareness of their limitations and the risks of traffic after they have ingested a bit of alcohol, then intentionally drink before driving in order to FEEL more safe/confident :? or something like that.
BlueTsunami said:
_xxx_ said:
Guden, you're a bit extreme. At least 50% of all drivers drive worse sober than I do drunk. What should we do about these? You know, "cool" 18 yrs. old thinking they're race drivers or the 70 yrs. old driving 60 kmh on the highway in the left lane? I'd personally take their license first. Because they're the actual cause for most accidents, though not so obvious.

I was about to state that, but I'll flip it around...what if those 50 percentile drivers that drive worse sober than drunk are drunk? :oops:

All I wanted to say with this is that 50% of all drivers don't really know how to drive correctly and have reactions like a dead log.

If they're drunk on top of that, god save us all... ;)
arjan de lumens said:
_xxx_, did you have other people actually assessing your driving skills while you were drunk, or are you just describing how YOU felt that you where driving?

I measured the time, I was quite a bit slower. I _know_ I drove worse than normal, I just wanted to know how big of a difference it makes. People who were there were all drunk as well, so that wouldn't say anything :)

But still, those 50%(seniors, teens etc.) drive even much worse than that.
Interesting thread, at an interesting time.

Yesterday, just in front of my place, a drunk guy, with three of his buddies in the car, totaled the brand new car (2 days old) of his wife, crashing into another vehicle.
He fled 10 meters out of his car...

Driving while drunk is a very stupid thing to do.
silence said:
Diplo said:
_xxx_ said:
At least 50% of all drivers drive worse sober than I do drunk.
Drunk drivers always think they drive well in the same way as alcoholics don't think they have a drink problem.

not really, depends on how much you drank.
for instance if i go out and do drink and have to drive later i drive slower and i more then carefull about road signs, rules and stuff..... OTOH when i have 2-3 hot chicks in my car and i am sober i tend to try to impress them....

According to my experience, no girl older than, say, 20 is impressed by fast/agressive driving...
TekkenMaster said:
Why drink and drive when you can smoke pot and fly?

Worst thing I do high driving is drive waaaaay too slow. :?
My next door neighbor is a city cop and his wife slammed into another car one night coming home from a bar with a open beer bottle in her hand (she was drinking it while driving). So she slams into another car and while no one was really hurt she caused over $15k in damage to the vehicles. The police arrive and do not cite her for drunk driving because they know her husband. She comes home and tells all the neighbors about it the next day.
My theory is that if I'm going to drink and drive, I should drive really fast so that I'm actually on the road as little time as possible.

Seriously, drinking and driving isn't cool. I don't have a "zero tolerance" mentality about it, but people do grossly underestimate the affect alcohol has on their reactions and even worse their judgement.

My personal rule is that I don't drive if I've had more than one drink per hour and/or more than three total in the last several hours. I'm not a lightweight (210 lbs.), and I tolerate alcohol well (and from direct testing with a HP friend I know that the above rules keep me safely under the legal limit), but I still make it a point to drive below posted limits and make an extra effort to stay alert... if only to limit the diminishment of my driving capabilities as much as possible.