Doom3 a TWIMTBP game?

whql said:
Kinda curious that when ATI announced the Half Life 2 deal all these wonderful news sources could only talk about the apparent $$$ Millions ATI paid Valve, yet we don't get anything similar with this one, instead we get the like of NVNEW's telling us "This marks a great achievement for GeForce FX GPUs".

well it is known that J.C. prefers Nvidia and maybe is on Nvidia's wage list.
So what?
For ATI it was a new path. They took that road and the risk and well the game is not out yet.
Richthofen said:
well maybe they do that - maybe not.
Right now the ATI vapoware voucher is worth nothing. They are flying in mass quantities off shelves @ ebay.

That may be so now, but when the game eventually comes out those who has a voucher will get the game. Which will hopefully be before DN4E is released

Richthofen said:
You don't think you got that voucher for free do you?
Of course you payed for it because without it ATI could have sold their products for a little less. And now the worse side of the story is - this voucher is not included in all ATI based graphics cards sold.

Well, yes, I do think so. Because if they'd have found something else to put in there... They needed something to differentiate the XT's from the rest of the cards, and ended up with HL2. And now Nvidia is bundling CoD if I understand correctly.

It was quite clear from the announcement that it was only supposed to be included in the XT's. And there was another announcement saying that vouchers would be discontiued for the 9600XT in 2004 (not sure what the status is with the 9800XT)

Richthofen said:
I would say this special HL2 deal is the way you should not do it.
Why HL2 got delayed doesn't matter here. It's vapoware and ATI has to take responsibility for it. They were pretty damn fast with beta benchmarks and crappy pr meetings with gabe N (shaders day anyone?) and all people are holding in their hands is a little piece of paper worth nothing at the moment.

How would you do it then? And how is it ATI's responisibility that HL2 isn't released yet?

Had it been an in-house development for ATI, then yes it'd been their responsibility, but to say that they are to blame since Valve didn't release the game is going a bit too far imo. If Nvidia had been the one who'd got a bundling deal with HL2 (ignoring the shader day & poor beta performance), then I wouldn't hold them resposible either. Neither company can conjure up a finished game if the game is far from done.

I don't quite follow your "all they're left with is some worthless paper", but then I don't quite follow your logic that they payed more because of the deal than they would otherwise. The XT's was set for a certain price-point, and I'm quite sure they'd ended up there even without the voucher.

As for the beta performance, well, both IHV's got to play that game and both came out shining compared to the other in their respective beta benchmarks.

Wrt. the crappy pr meetings, I'm sure you can figure that one out yourself.

whql> Well, can you blame them? People will allways spin things in such a way that it looks the best for them.

Besides, I really doubt Valve decided to give away a game with every XT sold, so ATI probably had to pay for that.

As for vouchers, it might be a good idea if you could claim it in certain stores instead of having to send it in, then wait for the company to ship the game to you. This would require a lot more work logisticly for the company offering the vouchers (sending out a certain amount of games, but not too many since not everyone will be claiming theirs/they are limited to 3 of 9 different games), but once such a system is in place it shouldn't be too hard to keep it running.
Richthofen said:
Doesn't really matter. They payed Valve for all that crap they pulled especially Gabe. They included a voucher and were happy to take advantage of the positive effects of this story.
Well now the game is deleyed and they will get the negative side of the story and they deserve it. They liked side A and now fell happy to take advantage of side B - frustrated customers with a worthless peace of paper.

Honestly, your selection of words like "worthless piece of paper" makes it sound like you simply have an agenda. Unless ATI fails to honor the vouchers, that piece of paper is worth just as much as the day the first box with them inside shipped. If nVidia includes Doom 3 vouchers with NV40 boards and for some reason id delays the game again until this fall, who cares? It's not nVidia's fault and so long as they honor their vouchers, people will still get the game once it's released.

And ATI? well that is the risk they took while choosing this path and now they will have to live with the outcome or negative PR. Again they deserve it.

Sure, because there'll always be fanboys eager to twist things around as much as possible.

I notice you skipped my comments on those "damn fast" beta benchmark scores too.
Richthofen said:
Doesn't really matter. They payed Valve for all that crap they pulled especially Gabe. They included a voucher and were happy to take advantage of the positive effects of this story.
Well now the game is deleyed and they will get the negative side of the story and they deserve it. They liked side A and now fell happy to take advantage of side B - frustrated customers with a worthless peace of paper.

No, the stuff Gabe said couldn't possibly be true, now could it :rolleyes: I wonder why Far Cry, a game that's part of NVIDIA's TWIMTP program, is treating NV3x cards like DX8 cards in the Far Cry demo- just like Gabe suggested!

Surely everything that has been said about NVIDIA's shader performance is all one big conspiracy sponsered by ATI.
DaveBaumann said:
John Reynolds said:
Honestly, your selection of words like "worthless piece of paper" makes it sound like you simply have an agenda.
Click this, review. I think its fairly clear where his stance is.
Something wrong with that search. It's attributing a lot of quotes to Richthofen that he didn't make.

Here's one:
B3D search said:

Replies: 23
Views: 715
Forum: 3D Graphics Companies and Industry Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:13 am Subject: Doom3 a TWIMTBP game?

As Dave would say, that's pretty blinkered logic. How is it ATI's fault that Valve's delayed their game? It's ATI's responsibility to honor their vouchers once the software is available and that's ...
I think it was John Reynolds who said that...

When the search is displayed like that it displays the first few lines of the post, but unfortunatly doesn't distinguish the post from a quote.
DaveBaumann said:
When the search is displayed like that it displays the first few lines of the post, but unfortunatly doesn't distinguish the post from a quote.
What about having the search engine treat ,
, etc. blocks as comments and just give the stuff outside of them?

Here is somthing to look at. If I remember right the NV30 path uses PF32, FP16, and FX12 color percision. Hoew will this effect the NV35 and up that can't do FX12? Will the 5800U be faster then the 5950 with the higher core and mem speeds then the 5950 and the help of FX12? Dose the NV35 and up change the FX12 calls to FP16?
NV35 removed the FX12 units and replaced them with floating point ones, so they'll just use FP16/FP32.
MrGaribaldi said:
That may be so now, but when the game eventually comes out those who has a voucher will get the game.
Will they? My voucher very clearly says Offer only available while supplies last.
Fodder said:
MrGaribaldi said:
That may be so now, but when the game eventually comes out those who has a voucher will get the game.
Will they? My voucher very clearly says Offer only available while supplies last.

I would wager they'll be producing quite a few copies of Half-Life 2...

Besides which, you can't really 'run out of stock' of the downloadable version. ;)
Fodder said:
MrGaribaldi said:
That may be so now, but when the game eventually comes out those who has a voucher will get the game.
Will they? My voucher very clearly says Offer only available while supplies last.
I'm fairly sure that means the vouchers are only available while supplies last. The vouchers themselves should be good, period. You got a voucher, not a raffle ticket.
Hanners said:
Fodder said:
MrGaribaldi said:
That may be so now, but when the game eventually comes out those who has a voucher will get the game.
Will they? My voucher very clearly says Offer only available while supplies last.

I would wager they'll be producing quite a few copies of Half-Life 2...

Besides which, you can't really 'run out of stock' of the downloadable version. ;)

Just bandwidth, eh?
Hanners said:
PaulS said:
Just bandwidth, eh?

If Steam runs out of bandwidth, that would be worrying. :p

I wouldn't be very surprised if that really happened, considering how many are eagerly awaiting HL2. And it wouldn't be the first time a game/demo release has taken down the supplier due to extreme demand.
Pete said:
I'm fairly sure that means the vouchers are only available while supplies last.
Then why would it be printed on the voucher? It's in the section regarding postage & handling etc, in a footnote referenced by 'Get your FREE* copy of Halflife 2'. I'll scan it if you like.
I'll bet it has 'No purchase necessary' printed on the voucher too. :rolleyes:

It's one of those 'must have so we don't get our asses sued when somebody tries to claim a copy of the game in 350 years' kind of things.
Fodder said:
Pete said:
I'm fairly sure that means the vouchers are only available while supplies last.
Then why would it be printed on the voucher? It's in the section regarding postage & handling etc, in a footnote referenced by 'Get your FREE* copy of Halflife 2'. I'll scan it if you like.

Cuz some idiot would be sure to come to ATI, 50 years later, with his voucher saying "I want my copy now or I am gonna sue!"

It's just protection against loopholes.