Thank you for sharing.
Well, I'm not doing any driving for awhile, and definitely not when sleep deprived. I'm pretty much in-house catching up on chores.
Since about grade 1, I've had the same routine every morning, wake up at 6AM to go to school. Now... school doesn't start until 8:30 (grades 1-6), but due to my parent's and sibling's schedules, they'd drop me off early, and I'd wait things out. In grade 7, I took the bus early. In grade 8, I trusted the school grounds enough to take my bike there (it is actually a very safe neighbourhood). In grade 9, I walked. And I actually did walk 3 km to school and back in a blizzard (-40C + windchill). So now I can say, "back in my day, I walked 3 bloody freakin km to school during one of the coldest winters in Edmonton....And I loved it."
So moving along... In grades 10-12, I took the bus. I wasn't particularly in favour of a 5 hour walk, despite having a ton of time to kill.
So what would I do in the early mornings? The same thing I did during university, study if there were exams to write. Although in university, I regressed even further to finishing assignments on the day they're due. Otherwise...I'd just walk around and enjoy the sunrise. During winter, I kinda just... waited.
For the most part, I've tried to keep 8 hours of sleep during school nights, and about the same on weekends, just time-shifted by a few hours. Even though it is a pain to wake up at 530-6AM, I just force myself into the shower. I'm sure you all know your own paths to the bathroom with your eyes closed too.
1 minute later, I'm all good ready for some lack-of-action!
hm... oddly enough, I'm always the first one to wake up after a night of boozing it up. It might be only 3 hours of sleep, but I guess the ol' body goes into a tiny bit of overdrive to make sure I get home. That's when I pass out for 12 hours.