Don't ask why...

Basic said:
Permanent brain damage. It's documented, but I can't find any references now.

Sleeping disorder (worse than you already have), and concentration problems (even if you manage to get normal sleeping times for a long time). It might not be big enough difference to notice it directly, but after a few long "days" you might. But then again, you might not think of it as related to the long "days".

:oops: *runs off to bed*

thing is... I haven't had too much trouble with staying awake. I just...can't sleep.
I once was awake for just shy of an entire week.

Last thing I remember was sitting in the passenger side of mums car, pulling into the Hungry Jacks drive-through window. Next thing I knew, it was 2 days later.

Never...again. (only had 3.3 hours sleep last night too BTW, i'm pretty whacked out right now).
wish I had time to sleep for two days :)

I like how a lot of my dreams take place in the same storyline or at least the same universe.
Oh yeah...there was a 3 car pileup today outside the mechanics where I dropped off my car.

(this is related to lack of sleep). I was standing outside waiting for mum to stop by and pick me up, next thing I know a small (what looked like a nissan) 4-door went skidding sideways through a red light going VERY fast, hit the island, went airborne (seriously) managed to SOMEHOW miss the 4 streetlight poles on the island, hit a holden side on and slammed both of them into a thing I know one of those ford Econovans comes flying past me from the street i'm in, guy on the phone, totally oblivious to the fact that the exit he's about to take around the (blocked) corner is filled with wreckage...flies around the corner way too fast, brakes too late and slams these two trashed cars.

There was screaming and people were coming from everywhere to I just sat there and chuckled. The guy from the mechanics shop beside me gave me one dirty look and stomped off...I guess he didn't think it was funny :(

Point being, normally the first thing i'd do is run straight into the scene and help the poor people...being sleep deprived, I felt no compulsion to do so. It actually makes me feel guilty right now that I didn't go help. In that respect, I love sleep.
Since I was a teenager I've worked with about 4 1/2 hours a sleep a night during the week and on weekends have a 12 hour sleep and then a 5 hour sleep. Its pretty much been the same routine for years now.

I've discovered that for me, anything over 6 hours of sleep and under 12 hours of sleep makes me feel like crap. Just not a right time for me it seems, I feel dirty, unclean (even after a shower) and just out of it.

As for staying awake, I've never gone over 24 hours. I see no point in doing so, its very dangerous. I have to much responsiblity and things to do, such as driving, in order to take the risk of no sleep at all.
Thank you for sharing.

Well, I'm not doing any driving for awhile, and definitely not when sleep deprived. I'm pretty much in-house catching up on chores.

Since about grade 1, I've had the same routine every morning, wake up at 6AM to go to school. Now... school doesn't start until 8:30 (grades 1-6), but due to my parent's and sibling's schedules, they'd drop me off early, and I'd wait things out. In grade 7, I took the bus early. In grade 8, I trusted the school grounds enough to take my bike there (it is actually a very safe neighbourhood). In grade 9, I walked. And I actually did walk 3 km to school and back in a blizzard (-40C + windchill). So now I can say, "back in my day, I walked 3 bloody freakin km to school during one of the coldest winters in Edmonton....And I loved it." :LOL: So moving along... In grades 10-12, I took the bus. I wasn't particularly in favour of a 5 hour walk, despite having a ton of time to kill.

So what would I do in the early mornings? The same thing I did during university, study if there were exams to write. Although in university, I regressed even further to finishing assignments on the day they're due. Otherwise...I'd just walk around and enjoy the sunrise. During winter, I kinda just... waited.

For the most part, I've tried to keep 8 hours of sleep during school nights, and about the same on weekends, just time-shifted by a few hours. Even though it is a pain to wake up at 530-6AM, I just force myself into the shower. I'm sure you all know your own paths to the bathroom with your eyes closed too. ;) 1 minute later, I'm all good ready for some lack-of-action!

hm... oddly enough, I'm always the first one to wake up after a night of boozing it up. It might be only 3 hours of sleep, but I guess the ol' body goes into a tiny bit of overdrive to make sure I get home. That's when I pass out for 12 hours.
Alstrong said:
The truth hurts...not right now, but I'm sure this knowledge will click-in at some point later in the day or tomorrow, could be in a couple hours or when I'm bored of hearing old cartoon theme songs such as He-Man, The Mighty Hercules, Spiderman, and ghostbusters and something. I'll have to keep myself loaded on carbs every now and then to keep functioning. edit: I'm actually not sure how the carbs thing relates to this all, but that's ok. I hope I get tired at some point.

Just give the girl the gift of missing you a couple of weeks, afterwards it might look better, like a little reset.
Thanks for the advice :)

Well... 54 hours. i.e. I slept last night. Never doing it again (if I can help it). :LOL: