Does Exeem give anyone else the willies?


I don't know why, I just get this awful tingle down my spine whenever I see a story about it or see a post up about it.

I'm avoiding it like the plague, I think it's trouble and trouble with a capital "T"!

Anyone else got that feeling?
It's Just Another P2P Network, based on a variation of Bittorrent tech. It looks like it's being run by a offshore company taking advantage of spyware/advertising (just advertising now that Cydoor is gone). It really hasn't got much to do with the old Suprnova that ran as a Torrent Ubersite, other than the fact they've hired Slonchek to be the frontman.

As Bram Cohen recently said, Exceem hasn't really had much of an affect on Bittorrent, though I wonder if the continued development of BT will include decentralised trackers/servers as Exceem (and many other P2P apps) have done.

Are you worried that it's another Kazaa? It certainly does have shades of that, especially with the whole Cydoor thing, but the turnaround that's dropped Cydoor makes me think the jury is still out on Exceem as technology. It's viability of it as JAP2P network really only depends on the number of other people willing to log on and use it.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Are you worried that it's another Kazaa?
I'm afraid it's somewhere between it being another Kazaa and it being a secret conspiracy by the RIAA to entrap a whole bunch of people...I really got a bad feeling about it.

As for how it'll affect the BT networks, I expect it'll help keep some of the riff-raff out as they jump on the Exeem bandwagon. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Are you worried that it's another Kazaa?
I'm afraid it's somewhere between it being another Kazaa and it being a secret conspiracy by the RIAA to entrap a whole bunch of people...I really got a bad feeling about it.

Nahh, it's run by Swarm Networks in Bermuda or somesuch. It's closer to the original Kazaa (before Sharman) than a RIAA entrapment scheme.

Strangely, I saw a mainstream report on Bittorrent today ("Working Lunch" BBC2) and although they got some of the technical things wrong and confused Exceem with BT, they did point out that all the publicity that the RIAA/MPAA generated over the closure of several large BT sites has succeeded in increasing awareness of BT and advertising the joys of P2P and Bittorrent to people who had never heard of it before. Good work MPAA!

They also had a little statement from Bram Cohen, commented on the almost instant evolution of clients-as-trackers, and pointed out several of the legal uses of Bittorrent.

Not bad for a mainstream non-geek TV spot.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Strangely, I saw a mainstream report on Bittorrent today ("Working Lunch" BBC2) and although they got some of the technical things wrong and confused Exceem with BT, they did point out that all the publicity that the RIAA/MPAA generated over the closure of several large BT sites has succeeded in increasing awareness of BT and advertising the joys of P2P and Bittorrent to people who had never heard of it before. Good work MPAA!

ya, i got few friends asking WTF is this BT and whats the all fuss....
there are few good sites around and you can still find anything u need :D