Does ATi follow OPEN 3d API standards better than Nvidia?

JF_Aidan_Pryde said:
Hi Ail,
My ideas on rotations were mainly from Brain Hook (ex-id, ex-3dfx), from the old investment forums. He told long stories of how MS would try to level the playing field by changing their favourite IHVs every cycle. This is apparently the reason why low key players like Bitboys got them EMBM into the spec. But of course the spec is based on contributions from many IHVs, but the 'emphasis' isn't as clear cut. ;)

Assume NV turns up with a more efficient PS/VS3.0 architecture in early 2004, does your theory still stand a chance since forementioned shaders are also part of DX9.0?

What you're refering to is the ancient old chicken/egg argument when it comes to software/hardware. Sireric's explanations about their hardware design decisions were very straight-forward for the approach they took with their architectural layout from early design stages and why they chose to implement A while limit B. The only other favours I can see for ATI, are the ones they did for themselves and their hardware.

In any other case I could come up with tons of excuses why the other side turns up with single digit framerates, partial precision or not.