[quote="Natoma]First, I didn't misrepresent anything. [/quote]
You surley did.
I said that he sounds like one of the deacons at the church I grew up in,
Which is a blatant misrepresentation of what Sowell said, as I explained in my last post.
and I quoted what that deacon said to me, in a sunday school class no less. I took the overall timbre of Thomas Sowell's articles and that is what I came away with.
Then quite frankly, you are hopeless. How someone can come up with an "overall timbre" of Sowell saying "don't try it, because you'll probably fail", is beyond me.
Your decon was an idiot, by the way.
Second, what do you consider "more qualified" Joe? Is someone who has a B average, with a 1500 SAT more qualified than someone with an A average, but a 1300 SAT?....
What constitutes "qualification" is up to each college to decide, isn't it Natoma? It certainly has nothing to do with the color of your skin though,
unless you believe in racial descrimination.
Uhm, no. I grew up knowing that I had a "leg up" in *certain* situations due to my ethnicity, especially when I was applying to colleges. *However* did I stop working as hard as I could because I knew that? Hell no. And I know a *lot* of my black friends who were in the same situation.
Gee, Natoma, just becase "you" succeeded and worked hard, does that mean that others will too?
Now, *some* people will see the system and not try to be better than they are. But that is a reflection on those people, not everyone
How hypocritical.
Just becayse SOME people may in fact be racially descriminated against in some way, that is a reflection on THOSE PEOPLE who descriminate. Not on the insitution as a whole. So the institution doesn't need quotas.
Don't make generalizations about things you don't know about.
Lol...I made a generalization to comabt YOUR generalization. Don't like fair play, huh? But I knew that, because you support quotas.
That's about as stupid as saying people on welfare are all lazy bums who are leeches on society.
Just about as stupid as saying blacks that are taught by people like your decon won't push themselves, right Natoma? (That's YOUR generalization that I was combating). But then, YOU are living testament to the contrary, right?
Wrong again Joe. Blacks that succeed in sports, or rap, or other "typical" black dominated arenas are not deemed sellouts by the "masses."
And blacks like Colin Powell, and Justice Thoms ARE. I should clarify: CONSERVATIVE blacks are considered sell-outs.
It's those that succeed in areas such as business, politics, etc, that are said to be sellouts. The ones that use their minds as their way of getting ahead.
Huh? the ones that use their minds are said to be sell-outs? That was my point.
This is not a problem with black leadership. It's one of the self destructive tendencies held over from 300 years of oppression.
Agree and disagree. Specifically, it's my opinion that much of "black leadership" PROMOTES self-destructive tendencies by supporting things like quotas.
You'd be surprised how much baggage people from my parent's generation still hold over today. They grew up in a society in which they were spat upon and told they weren't as good. That kind of psychological damage, done to a people for a very long time, takes a while to be purged.
On this, you are correct.
It does take time. And that's the problem. You think things like quotas make it better. That it's "good", because it makes it easier to endure the time until "we don't need it anymore."
Quotas and other "unfair" policies don't make it better. It makes the TIME it takes (which is already long) even LONGER.
Unfortunatley, it creates MORE resentment, and causes MORE people to spit on you and tell you you're not "as good"....because you are going through the system unfairly.
I grew up in a family that taught me that I had the opportunity to go as far as I could take myself, and I've always internalized that.
Great. That's exactly what it takes. Real people, real families to instill that type of ideology. That's what solves the problem. Not political polcies that support further racism.
Some black people in my generation, however, have not been so lucky.
I agree. And though it may sound harsh...that's their problem. If some parent wants to set an example for their kids by saying "the white man is keeping us down, I'm on welfare because of him, and you don't have those new Nikes because of him. Working hard and sacrifice isn't enough."
I could care less about them.
As I said earlier, which you *yet again* cropped out in order to make your point.
I *cropped it out* because it was inconsequential to my response.
I'll say it again, AGAIN cropping it out. It's never to EARLY to remove unfairness.