DIRT Gameplay Vids

Not bad. From watching the vid, controls seem more arcade like than sim. A demo off Live will be my call on this game. Certainly not a blind buy for me.
I'll probably pick this up, because there aren't any other games like it and I have long rivalry between my pal in Colin Mcrae games and I'm looking forward to battle against him once more. :smile:
Not bad. From watching the vid, controls seem more arcade like than sim. A demo off Live will be my call on this game. Certainly not a blind buy for me.

Puhlease. When has Colin McRae ever been a sim? It's consistently had the dodgiest physics a racing game could have. Though it is fun fun fun, and I am certainly not taking away from it. It's just anything but a sim.

Edit: Though, this one looks to be calculating more than a single point upon which the car pivots, which is a nice change :D
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I love this look

if they can get the frame rate worked out by release I will buy it. Arcade dirt racing with hopefully a fun online component would be cool.
more info from the GT guy who captured this footage

*Raises Hand*

I work for GameTrailers and I was the one who played and cut this footage so if anyone has any questions about it feel free to ask me.

I've been reading this forum quietly and I'd just like to add a few things into the discussion. The build is still early, it's the same one we've had for a month now- we posted a few vids earlier but Codemasters asked us to take them down so we did. Today we saw Gamevideos.com had their own vid up, so we figured it was fair game.

Anyways, the game plays just as floaty as it looks. However, it plays responsively regardless, and can be very fun and rewarding. It takes a little getting used to just as long as you don't hammer the gas around the track and actually know anything about racing (you'd be surprised how little some people I work with seem to use their brakes when I watch them play).

I really enjoy playing it, and after spending hours and hours playing the 8 tracks available in this build (with 1 specific car per track) Ill definitely be picking this up once it's released.

The framerate takes a big hit once you get 6 detailed cars on the track at once, which is unfortunate, but hopefully theyll fix this problem before release.

Also, the sound designers deserve a lot of credit for their work- everything from the engine noises to the environments makes a realistic and contextually correct sound as it 'whooshes' past the camera. I'm very impressed with its design.
Seems like the series still has that 'bug' where it feels like the road is moving underneat the car instead of the other way around. Disappointing.
A little heavy on the bloom, but I like the lighting on the cars and environment (not sure if the bloom adds to that "feeling"). The dirt stuff looks good too. Will the cockpit view be in-game too? Looks awesome there.

The car just feels like it belongs in the environment with respect to the lighting conditions.
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Seems like the series still has that 'bug' where it feels like the road is moving underneat the car instead of the other way around. Disappointing.
03-May-2007 16:23

Were you watching the correct video? Keep in mind when you are riding in a car that relative to you the ground is moving beneath you not the other way around. Relative to people outside of the car the car is moving accross the ground.
Keep in mind when you are riding in a car that relative to you the ground is moving beneath you not the other way around.

Um.... Not really.

That like saying that when you go outside for a walk it feels like the ground is moving and not you.
Um.... Not really.

That like saying that when you go outside for a walk it feels like the ground is moving and not you.

From a fixed frame of reference relative to you it WOULD look like the ground is moving beneath you. How could it not? Notice I also never said it "feels like" I said it LOOKS like. Two completely different senses touch and site.
From a fixed frame of reference relative to you it WOULD look like the ground is moving beneath you. How could it not? Notice I also never said it "feels like" I said it LOOKS like. Two completely different senses touch and site.

It doesn't even look like that. If the ground was moving, everything else would move to. Never in my life have i seen or heard of a guy who thought it looked like the ground was moving when your driving a car. This is because you see other surroundings as well as just the ground, there isn't just a ground, and your car, there is something else in this environment, and since those items aren't going as fast as you are, it doesn't seem like the ground is moving at all. The only things thats moving is you, and other cars, but they aren't moving at the same speed as you are, so obviously, the ground is not moving.

The only "mind-trick" i know that makes an illusion of something moving when your not, is if you have say two trains parallel to each other at a stop. The other train starts moving, but because you only see the train and nothing else out of the window, your not "sure" if your moving or the other train is. It could be your train thats moving, or the other, or both, but you cannot tell just by looking out the window, because all you see is the other train.

And, while this is a game, its a car game, and its certainly supposed to make it seem that YOUR car is moving, not the ground below you.
RELATIVE to you it looks like the ground is moving. You are obviously coupled to the car. If not then the car would be moving away from you and when that happens generally its because you aren't in the car.

When you drive down the freeway and there is another car driving next to you, which has the higher relative speed to you? The car driving next to you or the road underneath?

The videos that were posted above are about the best compromise of an external camera that you can get. The closer objects are to the car the faster they appear to move while the further objects appear to move slower. Hey just like real life.

Other than the fact that the cars are going over jumps the game looks pretty much just like every other recent sim I've seen from the 3rd person camera.

It would be impossible to say exactly what it would look like to be floating above a car as it drove down the road because the camera isn't behaving like a camera mounted on a helicopter. It's more like a camera attached to the car on a very long and flexible pole as the camera doesn't move up and down with the car. Also when the car turns there is some lag or damping going on with the camera. Still it's a completely synthetic viewpoint that will NEVER be seen in real life.

If that's what you are having trouble with then try a different view point. I prefer in car or hood cam. Not really fond of bumper cam and I absolutely hate the 3rd person camera view.

Check out the in car camera from these videos.


The in car stuff (just like every other sim) takes the damping effect off completely so the viewers eyes always move with the car unlike real life where you tend to focus on a spot even when the car is turning. I don't think we will get that kind of fidelity in a video game any time soon though.
RELATIVE to you it looks like the ground is moving. You are obviously coupled to the car. If not then the car would be moving away from you and when that happens generally its because you aren't in the car.

When you drive down the freeway and there is another car driving next to you, which has the higher relative speed to you? The car driving next to you or the road underneath?

The videos that were posted above are about the best compromise of an external camera that you can get. The closer objects are to the car the faster they appear to move while the further objects appear to move slower. Hey just like real life.

Other than the fact that the cars are going over jumps the game looks pretty much just like every other recent sim I've seen from the 3rd person camera.

It would be impossible to say exactly what it would look like to be floating above a car as it drove down the road because the camera isn't behaving like a camera mounted on a helicopter. It's more like a camera attached to the car on a very long and flexible pole as the camera doesn't move up and down with the car. Also when the car turns there is some lag or damping going on with the camera. Still it's a completely synthetic viewpoint that will NEVER be seen in real life.

If that's what you are having trouble with then try a different view point. I prefer in car or hood cam. Not really fond of bumper cam and I absolutely hate the 3rd person camera view.

Check out the in car camera from these videos.


The in car stuff (just like every other sim) takes the damping effect off completely so the viewers eyes always move with the car unlike real life where you tend to focus on a spot even when the car is turning. I don't think we will get that kind of fidelity in a video game any time soon though.

I think this is the first attempt where eyes/head of the driver were simulated so they would move independently
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I think this is the first attempt where eyes/head of the driver were simulated so they would move independently

If only Motorstorm had that...that would have been great. Looking forward to GT5 having it :)

Also...wouldn't it be great if the camera in these racing games didn't centre the car in the middle...eg. you take a sharp right...the camera is slightly behind you in your turn. Gives a greater sense of speed and movement... (would be especially relevant in Motorstorm when you are hit by another car)
If only Motorstorm had that...that would have been great. Looking forward to GT5 having it :)

Also...wouldn't it be great if the camera in these racing games didn't centre the car in the middle...eg. you take a sharp right...the camera is slightly behind you in your turn. Gives a greater sense of speed and movement... (would be especially relevant in Motorstorm when you are hit by another car)

Indeed ;)

I was expecting to see something similar in Motorstorm after seeing the target render. But I was dissapointed that the camera was "static" in front of the car and in the center all the time.

Btw I feel that I have to bring the importance of camera work with Wipeout as an example too. What made WipEout and WipeoutXL feel so great was the great camera work in the third person view. It was never centered completely behind the aircraft. This improved the feel of "weight", "gravity", "air" and in general physical forces playing with your vehicle's aerodynamics. Even if that was an illusion of physics it made the control a unique experience.

This is ironic because Wipeout Fusion which was released on a much powerful system, with greater physics capabilities literally killed the feel

Check and compare these videos



Its incredible how much difference the camera work can do in a racing game

And I hope Psygnosis learns from their mistakes they did with Fusion and other devs will give more attention to the camera work

I haven't seen any of those games before. It would probably take a while to get used to the camera trying to predict where you should be looking while taking a turn. I think a better although more cumbersome solution would be glasses that detected eye movement (they already do this in helicopters for aiming guns) and translated that to camera movement. Even better would be the seat of the pants feeling of actually pulling lateral G's as you turned. We will probably never see this type of fidelity in a console, but it would be cool.
