Direct X question.....

Hello All,

I thought I remembered hearing that Direct X was going to be able to dynamically install and uninstall parts of games depending on frequency of use and hard disk storage availability. For example, if I had Blood 2 installed on my system and had not played it for 2 years and if I installed Tron 2 but was running low on disk space, Direct X would uninstall parts of Blood 2 so I would have more room. If I was to try to play Blood 2 at a later date, it would install the removed parts off of the CD and all would be good.

As I have many, many games I would love this but I have not heard anything about it since the first time (long ago). Does anyone remember this feature? Is there any talk of actually putting it into a future version of Direct X?

Dr. Ffreeze

No, I am perty sure that it was a Direct (something) type of a name that was going to be in a very early version of Direct X.

Or so I thought,
Dr. Ffreeze

PS. Hmm, I might see what I can find on google.... =)
Well, I think windows might be able to do that with services within windows or microsoft office, but how would it know what to remove and add from a game?