Freak'n Big Panda
It seems like the amount of processing power required to move to every next graphical level is increasing at a rate faster than the hardware can keep up with. If you compare say Reven Shield to GRAW... there's differences for sure, however they are minimal compared to say doom to quake for example. The difference being that GRAW kills my rig (2.2ghz a64 + 7800GTX) whereas raven shield runs absolutely perfectly on my 9500pro and AXP 1600+ from 2002... This might be an over generalization but it seems like new games require rediculous amounts of processing power for very minimal improvements over last gen (GRAW, Fear, X3 etc). If this trend is explained with deminishing returns (as you increase detail and approach photorealistic rendering processing costs will raise exponetially) how is the 3d industry going to adapt to that? People arn't going to want to upgrade (and spend everal hundered dollars) if it only brings a small visible imporvement.
P.S I wasn't really sure where this should go so I posted here, feel free to move it wherever.
P.S I wasn't really sure where this should go so I posted here, feel free to move it wherever.