Dawn IQ compared (Det 51.75)

Stolen from the 3dgpu forums. I laughed so hard, I knew a lot of you guys would get a kick out if it. :)

Hey, man...second time tonight I've seen somebody break the nV50 prototype NDA wide open...! You guys better be careful...
Wow, look at that cartoon-style rendering!
Don't know why but I fail to find this funny at all. Maybe I'm taking all this too seriously.

Moved to more appropriate forum.
In light of all the mockery that nVidia is making out of itself and its user base, the only way you can't see the humor in this image is if you take this stuff too seriously. Sure, I wouldn't mind slapping around some of the losers @ nVidia for insulting the intelligence of 100+ Million users (in BB's own words) over the course of the last year. However, in the end, it should never be taken seriously.