I'm sorry for my bad english language
1. Why the ATI's down market products are less competitive than the NVIDIA products (in general rules) ?
2. ATI or ATi (without capital letter) ?
3. Do you increase your FSAA quality ?
4. Do you increase your AF quality ?
5. Is it possible that a new real interesting technology (revolutionary !) appear before long ?
6. What about Linux drivers ?
7. What do you think about various Radeon mods (AIW Radeon 9800 SE --> AIW Radeon 9800 Pro or Radeon 9500 128 MB --> Radeon 9700) ?
8. Do you think XGI or S3 will be a serious competitor in 2005 or later ?
9. You have more and more responsabilities, and Kwok Yuen Ho less and less... Do you think KY.Ho will retire soon ?
10. Which is team works on Nintendo/Microsoft chips ?
11. Can you give us the differents market shares in America, Europe and Asia ?
12. What do you think about the NVIDIA optimized games as Unreal and others Epic's games ?
13. Are you always a good quaterback ?
14. A word about your SGI experience (or experiment, I don't know what is the best word to describe that...) ?
15. Your professionals products have less success than Quadro cards. Is it possible ATI launch an intersting FireGl around the world ?
16. Who is the more stronger ? The elephant or rhinoceros ?