Crysis Interview


i have a monster
GI: For those who don’t know the storyline for the game, could you briefly explain it?

Yerli: The year is 2020 and an asteroid crashes on an island, and what happens is the North Koreans and Americans are dispatching units to claim ownership of the crash site. What happens at this time is the conflict between the North Koreans and Americans is rising up in tension, and as the player you have to fight against North Koreans in order to get to the crash site. When the ship opens, it flash freezes large sections of the island instantly into a large refrigerator. It starts the process of terraforming in order to create a space environment for the aliens for them to do their job. When I say to do their job, at a high level it’s an invasion, but at a low level it’s not just a simple invasion. There’s more going on that I cannot reveal. But the North Koreans and Americans unite to save mankind. The way it all develops – the characters, how we dramatize, how we do Americans and how they portray America itself, and how we do Koreans, why the aliens are here, and is it new or not? How is mankind going to survive? All of these questions are solved.

GI: The game is heading to the PC this winter, but most likely you’ll be hitting before
Windows Vista is released. Are you going to have a DX10 patch for the game after Vista is released?

Yerli: No, it will be integrated. We already have DX10 footage – it was shown at the Microsoft Press Conference. The 360 trailer (shown in the EA booth) that’s DX10 as well. The video is captured from actual DX10 hardware.

GI: You’ve originally brought Far Cry to the PC, and then released it on consoles, and right now your plans are for Crysis on PC only. What are your plans on releasing this for consoles?

Yerli: (laughs)
There is no possibility. (huahuahuah... hm hey69 edit ;) )

GI: Could there be?

Yerli: Let me rephrase that to be a little bit more precise. Crysis, and what it is supposed to be on PC, until that’s the case, and I mean at a very high quality bar - what I told you about at the beginning – until we achieve that it’s not going to be [on consoles]. Once we achieve that, our next step might become to do the same goal again for another platform. But we will never go multiplatform just because we have to. Are people asking for it? Will we go for it? As a goal we will deliver that experience, but we’ll have to optimize for that platform as the same goal as the PC version. It wouldn’t be just a conversion; it would be a very specific Crysis experience for the gamer.

It is not started. We did not do anything. We are researching the potential of console games as far as development. We have research on going on console technologies and what they can do, so at Crytek we will do console development, but if it’s Crysis or not at this stage, no.

no no no, yes maybe, yes but it will be specific no yes :D
Is this the same interview people were talking about before (like 2 threads on B3D)?

Also, saying 'no possibility' makes him sound dumb, as EA are already planning on making a Crysis IP game on consoles. Plus the facts that people have already stated about how Crysis could probably run on consoles.

Wait what : "The 360 trailer (shown in the EA booth) that’s DX10 as well."

DX10 on 360? Crysis on 360? What is he talking about?
he means, there is no such thing as a 360 version.. it was also based on a pc with DX10 card
In (my very free, interpretative) summary:

- we are working on the PC version, and won't work on a console version before we are happy and done with the PC version. When the game is finished, we will see whether this game is suitable for console development (e.g., it's a huge success on PC and it looks like it might be on console), or whether we want to move on to a different title
- we are, however, researching console technology, because we recognise that we need to invest in the consoles early if we want to keep up with the competition, and we may want to make another game on the consoles as a part of that learning process and possibly to make a nice buck
GI: It’s assumed that if you do console development it’ll be on the most powerful systems – Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think of Wii?
Yerli: I love the Wii (laughs). When I was at E3 and playtested it, I loved it. I thought about how we could do games for this platform and what kind of games they would be, and what kind of shooters we could do on it, and work it to our own needs here. Yes we’ve had some thoughts, but Crysis is not part of the plan at this stage, but that may change.
We are a company that takes one step at a time, and once we achieve the goal that we want to achieve then we take the next step and see what the next platform we go with next. We did not decide if we’ll do PS3 at all. We have all of the development kits, and we have research going on. We have the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, we work as researchers and test them, essentially. We have parts of these systems running because there is going to be console development in our company, but if it’s going to be Crysis or not is a step ahead of us. Because if we go to fast we sacrifice quality on PC, and I want to make sure it’s the best PC shooter we can do. With our company our goal is to make it the best shooter of all time. Once we achieve that, our achievement is we do our best and that’s it. Whether we do it our not is to be determined. Once we are there, then we’ll take the next step.
In (my very free, interpretative) summary:

- we are working on the PC version, and won't work on a console version before we are happy and done with the PC version. When the game is finished, we will see whether this game is suitable for console development (e.g., it's a huge success on PC and it looks like it might be on console), or whether we want to move on to a different title
- we are, however, researching console technology, because we recognise that we need to invest in the consoles early if we want to keep up with the competition, and we may want to make another game on the consoles as a part of that learning process and possibly to make a nice buck
That yes-no-I don't know is a nice signal of weakness or uncertainty that makes me happy and overwhelms me with hopes, so no more fears.

hey69, thx for sharing.

I can't figure out what the hell they meant with that X360-DX10 and EA in the same phrase.
probably something we shouldnt know about. i think MS did a vista live anywhere presentation with the same game suposdly on pc and console to give an example or some sorts

Yerli: No, it will be integrated. We already have DX10 footage – it was shown at the Microsoft Press Conference. The 360 trailer (shown in the EA booth) that’s DX10 as well. The video is captured from actual DX10 hardware.

Footage from actual DX10 hardware?... anyone know where to get this?

All i've seen so far was the "brute force" Dx10 emulation via x2 Dx9 Vid cards footage.
Is this the same interview people were talking about before (like 2 threads on B3D)?

Also, saying 'no possibility' makes him sound dumb, as EA are already planning on making a Crysis IP game on consoles. Plus the facts that people have already stated about how Crysis could probably run on consoles.

Wait what : "The 360 trailer (shown in the EA booth) that’s DX10 as well."

DX10 on 360? Crysis on 360? What is he talking about?

There was a trailer of Crysis (for the PC) shown on a screen that encircled the crowd at the GC in Leipzig, hence the "360 trailer".
Is this the same interview people were talking about before (like 2 threads on B3D)?

No, that was based on a short question and answer from a video interview (although in the video interview the crytek guy gave a similarly mixed response, tending more toward the negative though).
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Not on console's? :LOL: I give it 2-3 years before we see a console game that makes crysis look like shit ;)
Not on console's? :LOL: I give it 2-3 years before we see a console game that makes crysis look like shit ;)

given the specs of the console GPUs, and the fact that Crysis will run better and better on faster and faster PC CPUs/GPUs, I don't think any X360,PS3 game will ever make Crysis look like shit. the consoles might do things differently and do things that Crysis doesn't do, but those consoles could not reproduce DX10 version of Crysis at 60FPS, even tho X360,PS3 will beat the crap out of lower spec'ed PCs.
given the specs of the console GPUs, and the fact that Crysis will run better and better on faster and faster PC CPUs/GPUs, I don't think any X360,PS3 game will ever make Crysis look like shit. the consoles might do things differently and do things that Crysis doesn't do, but those consoles could not reproduce DX10 version of Crysis at 60FPS, even tho X360,PS3 will beat the crap out of lower spec'ed PCs.

I disagree... I do not know what the setup was for that (or any other demo quad SLI rig?) but there was nothing in that demo that looked undoable on this next generation of consoles. I think the PC space is a long way away from beating triple core/septocore closed box consoles with minimal OS overhead and still state of the art GPUs with "special sauce"... maybe they can not compete at insane levels of resolution but otherwise I see nothing that isn't beatable... within the next three years...
Crysis delayed atleast till april 2007. Maybe later , nobody knows.
I suppose that Yerli's comment that crysis can't run to next gen consoles sounds a bit stupid now when actually he cant get the game running on a DX9 PC and he is clearly aimming to dx10 PCs.