But still things are pissing me off, you will be glad to hear.
1. It looks after me like I was my mother, lift door, press this for that, do this, wear a thick jumper because it is cold out there. In original games you were left to get on with it.
It does get a little overly helpful at times.
2. The footsteps sound like you are running in hob nailed boots, they are far too loud. When you put armour mode on it is like running in hob nailed boots in a cavern where you have been playing with the audio effects on the software for your latest soundcard before turning them all offNo wonder the enemy spots me so easily.
Once you start collecting nano-catalyst there is a covert-ops mode that drastically reduces the footstep noise and allows stealthy approach. You can only get it about the halfway mark in the game though due to the cost in catalyst.
This is something that I don't think they got quite right. The initial capabilities of the suit are a little too limited and they don't differentiate enough as you play.
For instance by the end of the game I had the bullet deflection modifier which is great - it really drops the damage down of incoming fire. But it is of less utility than the cheaper armor ability which lowers the passive cost of the armor mode because you can move around more while armored. The deflection modifier soaks up more damage when used but drains the suit energy so fast that you can't leave it on till you are taking fire. End result is that this pushes you back towards the stealth path to approach as closely as possible before popping into armor mode briefly to kill an enemy then cloaking again.
And because you need stealth so much it generally is best to optimise the suit for stealth operations and just constantly do hit-and-run attacks. (Like it tells you to do after you die.) Whereas with armour mode towards the end of the game I'd like the choice of picking up the HMG stomping in and wailing on the aliens for a decent length of time. Doing that generally gets you killed because the armour depletes so quickly under sustained fire even after upgrades that again you get pushed back towards stealth being the superior option. Especially given the armor normally runs out while you are changing position leaving you in the open with no energy to sprint away.
I did like having the stealth and cloak options so close to your movement keys. Enjoyed cloaking into position, lining up a shot, switching to armour mode, firing and then cloaking again immediately. Was kinda the 'we win' combo but was a lot of fun watching the AI react.
Also the other thing that makes stealth superior is the stealth kill aspect. No ammo usage and aside from the heavies, gunships and the walkers kills any enemy in the game.
The other thing that bugged me about armour mode - melee strength and speed run off the same energy reserve as the armor. Which means if you charge an alien position and soak up too much fire getting in you can't actually kill the bugger because you have little to no energy to thump it with. You also can't retreat quickly because you have no energy. Again pushed you towards stealth as being the superior option.
I keep playing the game in small bits as I give it another go, certainly it is not one of those games where the whole day passes in an instant.
The original was like that as well for me. Technically a masterpiece but the gameplay needed further work.
Crysis 2 is a bit more refined than the predecessor but still needs work.
Oh yeah, other thing that bugged me - the number of times it stole your weapons. Three times you lose all your gear and have to find your favourites again. Irritating as all get out.
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