Could someone link me a list of Nvidia and ATI OEM contracts

^eMpTy^ said:
Anyone have any links to anything showing that shader replacement hurt image quality in any way?

Shader replacements in a game helps the consumer since the game will perform better. An IHV replacing some math/shaders with something that does less work just to inflate their scores in a synthethic benchmark is something different since there's no benefit for the consumer. Games are of course used as benchmarks but a syntethic benchmark are supposed to show a more general performance indication. A game benchmark shows only the performance in that game.

Then there's of course the problem with "some shaders run better on hardware A, some on hardware B, and if hardware B can do D more efficient by doing E instead, without any IQ problems, why shouldn't it be allowed to do that?". The next 3D Mark (coming in 2 weeks according to the Inq) should fix these problems by using dynamically built shaders. So the NV40 will have one path, the R420 another ... if i'm not mistaken.
Yeah I can see how it wouldn't make much sense to use shader replacement in sythetic tests...that doesn't make much sense...for games it seems fine though...I'm interested to see how 3dmark05 turns out...