Could Dreamcast et al handle this/that game/effect? *DC tech retrospective *spawn

I'd like to post le mans polycount on the "how many polygons" thread but I don't know what to do, I started posting polycounts of older consoles because I thought it was interesting, not to start a debate about the capabilities of the Ps2, Dreamcast, gamecube or Xbox, but I don't want to get another warning from the mods ^^'

Are we only allowed to post polycount of recent games on that thread?

I just want to post it there, any other discussion regarding old consoles polycount, could continue in this thread.
Post poly counts in the poly count thread. People just shouldn't then go on to talk about the results and whether Le Mans on PS1 could be done on DC or whatever. If people want to compare different platforms for their polycounts, they should do so in other threads like this one.

Edit: If the purpose of your poly count posts is to open up discussion about different platforms, you'd be better off keeping them here.
There was at least one game that used 2X Super Sample AA (Omicron?). Resolving the super sampling as you copied off the tile buffer should have meant that this didn't require any more memory for the frame buffer, just double the fill rate.

Technically, IIRC**, it would require more memory for the tile display lists because the default 32x32 ISP/TSP rendering tiles effectively shrink by the super sampling factor. Whether that increase is significant compared to the amount of memory consumed by textures and frame buffers is another matter.

**And it's a long time since we worked on this and I don't have time to go looking for (and in) the CLX software sim code.

As I said it is incredible how close those models look in actual gameplay.

Come again? Given how much of a storm minute resolution differences kick up on a regular basis, I'd describe the differences between those two as pretty dramatic. They were even more dramatic if you actually owned and played the games on the PSX and DC respectively. The game looked awful on the Playstation. I used to play this on the arcade hardware and I was absoltely devastated when I got it for the Playstation later. The DC version looked miles better.
I'd like to post le mans polycount on the "how many polygons" thread but I don't know what to do, I started posting polycounts of older consoles because I thought it was interesting, not to start a debate about the capabilities of the Ps2, Dreamcast, gamecube or Xbox, but I don't want to get another warning from the mods ^^'

Are we only allowed to post polycount of recent games on that thread?

I just want to post it there, any other discussion regarding old consoles polycount, could continue in this thread.

Now that today DC is turning 15, would be nice to post those polycounts of Le Mans...Just saying!

Don´t let this thread die, please!;)
Ok, ok, so let's start saying that the game seems to be using different LOD's for the cars, as expected.

I extracted this model.



The highest LOD seems to be used only in the game menus and it counts up to 8k+ polys.


The ingame model seems to be the same model for the car except for the tires, during races the tires are lower polycount as you can see here.


The rest of the car model seems the same, and it totals at about 3.800 polys.

There are also some nice looking cars I may look for.


8K for the highest LOD is crazy for a 2000 game. I remember to read that MSR models (i suppose the highest LOD)was around 3500 polys, and is wide known that GT3-4 on PS2 has 4-5k Poly models (but in GT those polys are used in a smarter way, with reflection maps and lotta of post processing effects that make the cars look better than in games with higher geometry LODs , incluiding this Le Mans). I guess this poly count is the highest for a racing game on DC, i think the closer high polycounts LODs could be on F355 Challenge and Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2.
I don't know but at first sight Ferrari 355 and MSR car models looks less detailed than Le Mans models.

But those games focused on different things, Ferrari on deliver rock solid 60 fps and MSR on insanely detailed environments.

As for Tokyo Street Racing I've never seen anything impressive on its visuals.

Le mans came out at the end of the commercial life of the Dreamcast and it is pretty impressive what they achieved with its weak hardware.

I guess this is a proof that the hardware could have been pushed farther, how much will remain unknown though.

For me Le mans, Dead or alive 2 and Sega extreme sports are the games that pushed harder the Dreamcast hardware, and yes I know that Shenmue exists. xD
It may be of interest to finally do a compare and contrast with Grand Prix Challenge on the PS2 from the same developers. Probably in the other thread.
I don't know but at first sight Ferrari 355 and MSR car models looks less detailed than Le Mans models.

But those games focused on different things, Ferrari on deliver rock solid 60 fps and MSR on insanely detailed environments.

As for Tokyo Street Racing I've never seen anything impressive on its visuals.

Le mans came out at the end of the commercial life of the Dreamcast and it is pretty impressive what they achieved with its weak hardware.

I guess this is a proof that the hardware could have been pushed farther, how much will remain unknown though.

For me Le mans, Dead or alive 2 and Sega extreme sports are the games that pushed harder the Dreamcast hardware, and yes I know that Shenmue exists. xD

Xtreme Sports looks good, has a pretty advanced (for the time) lighting and texturing, but i think that Shenmue or Ikaruga take de DC hardware further.
So Happy new year to Y´all!!!!!

I was checking this thread on Sega 16, and user Barone post this interesting polycount numerbs about some early PS2 games like Tekken Tag, RRV, Dynasty Warriors 2, and some "newer" stuff like Burnout and Resident Evil 4 PS2 (in thread they disccuss and shows poly counts of RE 4 and Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 of GCN too). The thing is, that the early stuff, TTT included too, appear to manage 1.7-2.9 million polys per second...and suprisingly, they found that RE 4 of PS2 overall poly count is 693k...less than a million and 10 times less than the GC version, which manages 6.1 million polys per second. Can it be that possible? User Barone found this numbers with the Dolphin and the PCSX2. And my main question ...if DC can handle 3 million polys per means that games like TTT, Dynasty and RRV can be possible on DC, at least geometry wise??

And how can the PS2 RE 4have 10 times less detail than the original, and look like that (yes, it looks downgraded compared with the cube, but you can clearly tell that it uses de same graphic engine and pushes to the very limit the PS2? I know that with a good optimization/work with textures, effects and geometry, the polycount is not the most important thing; but c´mon, 600 k poly counts it´s what i could expect for the IOS/Android version...if is this true...RE 4 can be on DC reach :0 ???
You sure mans&p=-1&search=Go&sFilter=1&sG=on&sGG=on&sA=on&sD=on&sC=on
there are 3 versions le mans 24 hours and testdrive le mans

Edit you are sort of right mine is the original pc version released a year before the playstation port and 2 years before the dreamcast port. All of the console ports were actually ported back to the pc for some ridiculous reason considering they are inferior to the original (possibly to cash in on the test drive name)

ps: back in the day I did the whole 24 hour race in 1 sitting
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How much better would a dreamcast game(any genre) look if it was made with 6th gen developing tools? I really wonder what tips and tricks the dreamcast would have used to compete with other titles from different platforms.
The games wouldn't look any different considering you have the exact same limited hardware resources.