No offense, but those lenghty explanations and extrapolations are just opinions like everybody else's, since nobody really knows what's going to happen, and the reason I didn't reply to you or others was simply because I decided to wait and see what happens out there (and also because my english sucks, I'm not very eloquent in english so it's hard to keep replying to many people simultaneously in a short time).No. You've had it explained, at length, but instead of changing to fit the conversation, you throw a childish hissy-fit and cry foul. The discussion of the fallout of lock-down is very important. Anyone else posting links to concerns of starvation at this point won't have their post removed, but will be expected to talk about it properly. However, you need to prove you're actually willing and capable of real discussion by actually engaging in the discussion about whether Covid19 is more dangerous in terms of deaths from disease than other diseases or not. Fairly to engage as such suggests little more than an agenda you want to push.
So I briefly mentioned mass starvation due to lockdowns since it's something that, IMO, is likely to kill more people than coronavirus itself. My first post about starvation had nothing improper about it, but one snarky one-line reply to my post mentioned that I certainly wasn't "talking about earth", so I decided to write a second post about it, with many links, to show that it was not only "about earth" but also about developed countries as well. I added some commentary shortly later and there was nothing improper there either, but the post was deleted. The reason I was given for the deletion was that I had failed to reply to other people, which seems like a ludicrous reason since it has nothing to do with the deleted post , and also because the same thing has happened many times in the past to me and others (who post once or twice then disappear) but nothing happened then.
I won't address the "agenda" part since there is none, and the same could be said about others around here, so I prefer not to go in there.
Having said that, feel free to continue the discussion about coronavirus.
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