Cops busting under age drinkers on facebook


"She was a good-looking girl. I usually don’t accept friends I don’t know, but I randomly accepted this one for some reason," the 19-year-old said. He thinks that led to his invitation to come down to the La Crosse police station, where an officer laid out photos from Facebook of Bauer holding a beer — and then ticketed him for underage drinking.

nice way to squeeze even more money from the middle class of this country. When will cops actually do something important instead of just writing tickets that don't keep us safe.

We just had a month of our town doing dui road blocks that added up to 3 hours of traffic on a major highway in the state. They caught 3 drunk drivers but gave out thousands of tickets for things like broken lights or expired tags. Just more proof the cops aren't here to serve and protect but to rape us .
how come cops are able to do that? that's indirect evidence. How can they fine for an offense with such indirect evidence? in my country, I believe that two cops would have to directly ascertain that I'm drinking in the street or some other minor offense.

besides, our drinking age (16-year-old I believe) isn't really enforced, and in my town you can drink outside whether 17-year-old or 40-year-old, pee on the street, jaywalk everywhere, use a bicycle with broken lighting and so on.
Most European countries don't even have a "drinking age" as such, rather age limits (often varying with ABV, public vs. private, etc.) where it stops being illegal for others to sell or supply alcohol.
When will cops actually do something important instead of just writing tickets that don't keep us safe.

Cops point guns at people to pay their salary...I would think that has something to do with it. Imagine the type of service you would get at Best Buy if you were forced to buy their products.
This quote is the best: “I feel like it is a breach of privacy,” Stenholt said. It's not privacy if you post it publicly! Fucking idiots.

The first rule is always "No Evidence". They ignored that and posted pictures of their crimes publicly. What did they think would happen? It's great they're being dealt with. They got what they deserved.
How did the policeman know what he was drinking? There could have been anything in that beer container.

I must say that it does seem abso-bloody-lutely ridiculous that you can drive a car, join the army and vote in the US at much younger ages than 21 yet drinking alcohol (gasp!) is still a no-no.

American traditions are pretty illogical in many respects, aren't they?
Real crimes are ones that involve a victim. Who was the victim in this "crime"?? Sure it's illegal to drink under aged...but that doesn't mean there was any wrongdoing. Our freedom is being taken away one law at a time.
Awesome, love to see cops doing their jobs. And that kid was a freaking idiot to put something like that for anyone to see. Got what he deserved.

My god I can't believe how much people moan and whine when they get caught doing something wrong. Be a fucking man and own up to it. You know you did something wrong, man up and take your punishment, or be a little boy forever. No wonder the US is going downhill.

Real crimes are ones that involve a victim. Who was the victim in this "crime"?? Sure it's illegal to drink under aged...but that doesn't mean there was any wrongdoing. Our freedom is being taken away one law at a time.
You mean its should be legal to drink and drive unless you run someone over with your car?
Is it ok to rush through red lights aslong as the passants manage to jump into safety?

Its IMHO idiotic to be not allowed to drink until 21 in America, but those are stupid laws and not the fault of the executive. Its not like cops do raids to grab drunken underaged... this idiot practically came to them.
You mean its should be legal to drink and drive unless you run someone over with your car?
Is it ok to rush through red lights aslong as the passants manage to jump into safety?

Its IMHO idiotic to be not allowed to drink until 21 in America, but those are stupid laws and not the fault of the executive. Its not like cops do raids to grab drunken underaged... this idiot practically came to them.

The kid was chilling in his apartment. Idon't see who he is going to hurt. Its so silly
The kid was chilling in his apartment. Idon't see who he is going to hurt. Its so silly
People who drink and drive don't get drunk in their car, genius. They get drunk at their home, at someone else's, at a bar, etc. I'm surprised that this is enough evidence, but I'm sure the fool wrote some stuff down on his account that admitted the drinking as well.

The real problem is the age limit set by the law, not the cops for doing their job. Same thing with jaywalking etc. The voting public is just irrational when it comes to making these rules, or at least in the severity of the punishment. Yeah, you don't want jaywalking to interfere with traffic, but $100+ on an empty street is obscene, and I've seen it happen to students here in Pasadena.

Also, I can't believe how many of you look down on people that risk their lives to enforce the laws of society. They're not going to ignore an emergency call for a shooting or domestic violence to write tickets you retards. There is plenty of accountability for officers that excessively flaunt and abuse their authority through lawsuits, demotion, and dismissal.
Perhaps I see the bullshit they pull in small towns. My town they haven't had a volient crime in over a decade. they just sit on the highway and write tickets or go and kick the teenagers off main street.

We could cut the force down in half and the town would be just as safe.
What do you americans expect... You've built an authoritarian society that worships authority, force and violence. Even groups that are anti-government look up at authority as well, albeit authority coming from a different source than the government. Just your gun laws and the culture built around firearms is baroque to just about anyone else living in the industrialized world - or at least to regular honest people, although not neccessarily to criminals. ;)

Still, Mintmaster does have a point. It's not the cops that make up the rules, politicians do. If you think cops shouldn't uphold certain arbitrarily chosen laws because some people in society think those rules are stupid, well, where do you stop, is it then up to any/all cops to pick and choose themselves what rules of society to enforce? :p

Lots of people today bag on cops, and I'm sure there's tons of rotten apples out there (being in authority tend to attract a certain type of person that isn't always the most stable), but I'd like to see what alternative is considered a better one than the current system... Using the army to police the populace would just be an even worse idea for obvious reasons, and simply getting rid of cops won't get rid of the problems in this society of ours either, and quite is of course just going to make matters worse instead. All kinds of criminals would run rampant, threatening civilization as we know it.
It does make some sense though to make the drinking age higher than the driving age since you'll know how much concentration and awareness it'll take to drive a car before getting drunk.

There's nothing wrong at all with the method the cops used to catch the kid though.
if you can drink before driving a car you know what alcohol does and why it's a bad idea to mix it with driving. (especially as a teen, when you don't have any trace of alcoholism yet, drinking half a liter beer does the same effect as drinking half a liter wine when adult :), or more)
There are TONS of alternatives to using violence to "solve problems", you just need to open your eyes.

Sorry, I can't bring myself to watch all that load of horseshit, it makes claims about how supposedly things are, but backs it up with no sources or other evidence, and the claims aren't even neccessarily true to begin with - pretty ironic for something that entitles itself "true news"... :LOL:

For example, nobody's been able to prove ancient egypt used slave labor, and the only source I've ever heard that mentions it is the jewish torah - which is a text consisting mainly of myths, allegories and arguably, threats and propaganda. It's not a historical document.)

Pretty ironic indeed.
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There are TONS of alternatives to using violence to "solve problems", you just need to open your eyes.
I don't agree with Grall about it lacking evidence, but I do find myself asking "WTF is your point?"

It seems to be a bunch of platitudes wrapped in a 'clever' analogy. The only thing I agree is the talk about national debt (for reasons unexplained in the video) preserving wealth for the upper class. Even the stuff about violence/bigotry is pure paranoia. You don't need more than animalistic human nature to explain that.

Of course the world is a farm to the ruling class. But if it's constantly improving the lifestyle of everyone, who cares? Does the author really want to go back to times where we don't have excess production and have to work our asses off just to live? Does he really think that the world would be better without mandatory gov't funded schooling? I can't imagine the type of crap that independent interest groups would indoctrinate into kids if gov't mandated curriculum weren't the accepted norm. Does he really think the large majority of the population that gets more back in services than they pay in taxes would be better off without gov't?

People are too selfish for society to function humanely in the absence of taxes and gov't.