Cops busting under age drinkers on facebook

You can train the unemployed as well as you want in an attempt to lead them out of poverty, but there's nothing for them to do that people will pay for.

They trained 500 florists in my city last year, there are only 30 flower shops in the city..
Ugh, more ignorant presumption.

You don't hire policemen or firemen to handle average load. You hire them to handle peak load. You have to have a certain number of policemen in each area ready for action, because they can't respond to an emergency 20 miles away with any immediacy. Moreover, there are certain situations that need many cops responding quickly which we don't want to ignore, like major robberies, riots/mobs, long blackouts affecting traffic, large fires, natural disasters, etc. All these things happen rarely but need prompt action from an immediately available and sizeable workforce.

No matter how many policemen, firemen, or medical personnel you hire, there will always be some events that require more manpower than is available. The question is how often you want that happening.

Sorry this is bullshit.

You hire cops and then because of unions you can't get rid of them. then because you can't get rid of them you find things for them to do when they are older. I'm fine with this. but when you inflate the size of the force too big and there is nothing to do they start doing bullshit instead of protecting us .

The cops are there to protect and serve , not to rape and extort or taser.

I wish someone did a study on how much time the average cop uses to write tickets vs solving dangerous crowds.

Cops are now just money making machines for the goverment which itself is just a money making machine. We could cut our goverment down to 33% of what it spends now and still be fine and everyone would be richer.

As for needing more cops. Cops in my town and in others now sit in their car while telcos and other companys fix wires. You can hiire someone for minimum wage to redirect the traffic instead of paying a cop over time to do it.

If the system wasn't screwed up trying to pay for programs we can't afford (and adding more every day ) then we wouldn't need a huge force of ticket givers. We could actually live in peace and not have to worry about your head lights or tail lights working or not ... or if your going 3 miles over the speed limit because your going down a steep hill when a cop pulls out behind you .
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We could actually live in peace and not have to worry about your head lights or tail lights working or not ...
Well, you should be worrying about that, cops or not. Less enforced rules doesn't mean less responsibility.
Well, you should be worrying about that, cops or not. Less enforced rules doesn't mean less responsibility.

No , but i could check my lights at my house and then start driving and a light goes out and gets a ticket. Cops don't care if they were following you and saw the light go out , thats still a $35 ticket towards their quota
I dunno . I'm unemployeed and don't mind getting benfits or others getting them. We did work and put money into unemployment. its welfare and a bunch of other stupid socialest programs i get tired off
:LOL: so benefits that you get are fine but others are unacceptable, right?

Welfare is basically the same thing as unemployment benefits. If you're earning money you don't get it (or don't get much), but if you're not then you do for a certain amount of time. It's just tweaked to give more or less help to people based on various criteria.

Sorry this is bullshit.

You hire cops and then because of unions you can't get rid of them.
If it's such a cushy job then why don't you become one? The funny thing is that your argument doesn't refute mine in the least, particularly because you said that you're fine with older cops not getting canned (as am I).

You need a certain capacity of young cops to handle our emergencies. Young cops get older with time, and you and I both agree that they should be given employment. So where's the bullshit? The ticket-writing time at older ages is the same as the time between emergencies at a younger age, and both are hard linked to the emergency capacity that they provided at that younger age.

We cannot have emergency capacity without having to pay for a bunch of dead time.

We could cut our goverment down to 33% of what it spends now and still be fine and everyone would be richer.
Prove it. Do you know how much of non-defense US federal spending goes to its employees? Under 10%. The rest either goes to whomever is receiving benefits or to the private sector to provide a service/good. You could chop their salaries in half (which, aside from being just plain callous, would send ripple effects into private sector wages, too) and someone paying $10k of taxes would only save $950.

As for needing more cops. Cops in my town and in others now sit in their car while telcos and other companys fix wires. You can hiire someone for minimum wage to redirect the traffic instead of paying a cop over time to do it.
Again, you completely glossed over the central point. It's about capacity.

If you want less ability to handle emergencies, less patroling of the streets to discourage crime or dangerous driving, and want police to take a longer time to get to respond to a call, just say so.

If you want higher speed limits, just say so, but it's not the cops fault that the limits are set where they are. If you can't control your car speed, drive slower or pay more attention. If you want to avoid the low probability of getting caught for going 5 mph over the limit, then don't drive that fast.

If cops stop ticketing minor speeding altogether, people would drive faster. If they stopped giving parking tickets, people would illegally park more often. If they stopped giving jaywalking tickets, people would jaywalk more (which I'm fine with if no car is within a few hundred feet, but that change requires legislation).
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:LOL: so benefits that you get are fine but others are unacceptable, right?
If your paying into something and then at some point need to take back from it , its fine to me.

Welfare is basically the same thing as unemployment benefits. If you're earning money you don't get it (or don't get much), but if you're not then you do for a certain amount of time. It's just tweaked to give more or less help to people based on various criteria.
Welfare is broken and there are such things as generational welfare. At some point I can't stay on unemployment. You can stay on welfare your whole life.

If it's such a cushy job then why don't you become one? The funny thing is that your argument doesn't refute mine in the least, particularly because you said that you're fine with older cops not getting canned (as am I).
There are many things that older cops can still do. Dective work , paper work , training and so on.

I would have done it but hurniated a disc in my back when I was 21 and couldn't become one now if i wanted too.

You need a certain capacity of young cops to handle our emergencies. Young cops get older with time, and you and I both agree that they should be given employment. So where's the bullshit? The ticket-writing time at older ages is the same as the time between emergencies at a younger age, and both are hard linked to the emergency capacity that they provided at that younger age.
Its not the older cops writing tickets , its the younger cops writing tickets. Older cops don't sit on highways in patrol cars. Older cops are the dectives and sergents and chiefs.

We cannot have emergency capacity without having to pay for a bunch of dead time
. But do we need emergency capacity ? What emergencys do we need to address in small town america ?

Prove it. Do you know how much of non-defense US federal spending goes to its employees? Under 10%. The rest either goes to whomever is receiving benefits or to the private sector to provide a service/good. You could chop their salaries in half (which, aside from being just plain callous, would send ripple effects into private sector wages, too) and someone paying $10k of taxes would only save $950.
Ever think that we don't need the service or good or those receiving benefits don't really need them. We could cut spending easily.

Again, you completely glossed over the central point. It's about capacity.

If you want less ability to handle emergencies, less patroling of the streets to discourage crime or dangerous driving, and want police to take a longer time to get to respond to a call, just say so.

But what your saying doesn't have anything to do with this. A cop writing a ticket is just as useless in an emergancy as a cop who is off duty or having no cop at all. A cop baby sitting construction works is jsut as uselss as anything else. I also don't know what emergancy could possibly happen in small town america that we need all this dead weight

If you want higher speed limits, just say so, but it's not the cops fault that the limits are set where they are. If you can't control your car speed, drive slower or pay more attention. If you want to avoid the low probability of getting caught for going 5 mph over the limit, then don't drive that fast.
What I want doesn't matter. I can't change the speed limit. I have no say in anything.

If cops stop ticketing minor speeding altogether, people would drive faster. If they stopped giving parking tickets, people would illegally park more often. If they stopped giving jaywalking tickets, people would jaywalk more (which I'm fine with if no car is within a few hundred feet, but that change requires legislation).

If cops stop doing these things there is a major tax flow that stops flowing because as much as you argue against me , your being taxed through other means.