Yes or no?
There is a minor contretemps in the US between Democrat presidential hopefuls over Governor Dean's contention that losing the votes of working class whites "who have a Confederate flag sticker on the back of their pickup truck" in places like West Virginia (which is ironic, if you know the history of West Virginia) and Tennessee is what cost Al Gore the presidency in 2000, the Democrat party the South over the last twenty years, and possibly into the future. Dean's point was that those people have kids who need healthcare too, have little sympathy with the oligarchical tendencies of the Republican party, etc.
Dem Senator John Kerry's response was essentially to imply that Dean is a racist, or at least pandering to racists --the unspoken assumption being that you can't have any respectful association to the Confederate States of America without being pro-slavery in your heart.
There is a minor contretemps in the US between Democrat presidential hopefuls over Governor Dean's contention that losing the votes of working class whites "who have a Confederate flag sticker on the back of their pickup truck" in places like West Virginia (which is ironic, if you know the history of West Virginia) and Tennessee is what cost Al Gore the presidency in 2000, the Democrat party the South over the last twenty years, and possibly into the future. Dean's point was that those people have kids who need healthcare too, have little sympathy with the oligarchical tendencies of the Republican party, etc.
Dem Senator John Kerry's response was essentially to imply that Dean is a racist, or at least pandering to racists --the unspoken assumption being that you can't have any respectful association to the Confederate States of America without being pro-slavery in your heart.