Comments on bumpmapping in Stretch Panic PS2?

Evidently, the "real" reason to do bumpmapping is to boast that it is being done in hardware. The visual effect as observed by the gamer seems to be secondary to some (where it should be primary). :rolleyes: After all, we aren't playing games to have an "experience" and foster enjoyment, are we? We do it to simply demonstrate the hardware working in our favorite rig... :rolleyes:

marconelly!, that is an interesting point you bring up in BG. I do recall the scene being quite vivid, but never occured to me to see how the light played to the ground specifically. Must have been being chased by 10-15 skeletons with crazy weapons effects going off all over that had my attention. ;) Since the weapons carry light as they travel (that should constitute a dynamic light source, no?), I would be interested to look back on that level to see if the ground shadowing responds to these lit weapons fire appropriately (if bumpmapped). BG just continues to impress and impress the more you study it... :D
Randy, I don't know if it works with the weapons, but in that scene your character has it's lightsource and, obviously, that light moves wherever you go.
Yes, very true- I forgot about the torch. (duh to me, it would be impossible to see down there w/o one :) ) I dunno- was there a torch? Seriously, I am having problems remembering exactly what was on that level.