COD: Why are guns so quiet?


Dinosaur Hunter
Never found a decent answer to this and thought someone here might know. In COD, your own gun is always pretty loud, but the guns of other players and enemies are whisper-quiet. Like someone will be right behind you, and you'll here a subtle "psh psh" as you die, but in the killcam, nope, his gun's not suppressed. Guns are so quiet that I'm more likely to hear bullet ricochets than the actual gun, and footsteps are louder than pistols. What's the deal? Other games don't have this issue. Is it because Sledgehammer and IW devs have never been around guns? Is there some game balancing reason for it? Is it just a crappy engine they haven't bothered to fix because they're on top of the market? They're something like ten games into the series now, so surely someone must know by now.
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hmm, games from IW and Treyard sounds bombastic in my 2.1ch speaker. Altgough not as "boom" as BF series. dunno about AW
hmm, games from IW and Treyard sounds bombastic in my 2.1ch speaker. Altgough not as "boom" as BF series. dunno about AW
Not something I noticed but thinking about it, if you're surrounded by people shooting then all you would hear is near constant gun fire in fire fights. I don't think this would be a great experience.

Obviously soldiers wear ear plugs in the field.
As far as I remembered, The fight in cod is small. There's no constant big firefight light in battlefield.
Just to make sure I wasn't delusional, I dusted off some older games. It's not that the enemy guns aren't realistically loud---it's that they're almost inaudible. Anyway, enemy gunfire in MW2, MW3, Ghosts, and AW all sounds very suppressed. In MW3 in particular, I noticed if an an enemy has his back to you, he sounds miles away. Black Ops 1 & 2 sound like they have a completely different sound engine.

Maybe they wanted you to hear footsteps more easily.
You haven't got something like environmental audio enabled or a weird sound profile enabled in your sound card by any chance? (Or just rubbish headphones/speakers that can't play that frequency).

There's a decent chance this is your setup...
I have no response for that.

In fact I thought the title was meant to be an irony on how CoD seems to be losing popularity. If that were the case I'd blame that on the "rat kids". I'd rather be dead than having a Call-of-dutier son!! lol