Adam and Eve was just the beginning. From Adam and Eve, there are good people that are pleasing to God. God loves everything that are good. Evils aren't going to stop God.
Are you sure? Or was it Adam an Lilith?
Please and not pleasing aside murdering a world of people is irrational. Are you suggesting within his perfect reason he could not find a better way that would save lives?
Yes, if you have no food, you would have to starve to death, the act of cannibal is not acceptable.
Actually i would read more of the bible before making this comment.
Before Christ, yes. Its not encourage either, its given as law.
Lol. Are you suggesting that the coming of the "christ" some how changed God's sentiments towards homosexuals? There is no valid explination for God ordering his people to murder homosexuals at one point and then later treating them with "love and care" that he had for so many centuries denied them. They are human beings. Regardless of how you view homosexuality the humanity behind the act affords the individual basic rights. today as a society we acknowledge this. Why in God's perfect mind could he not fathome the sanctity of human life?
I have a question for you. If you lived under the God of the OT would you have carried his order out? Would you have killed Natoma or myself for our sexual orientation choices? If yes. Why now are you sympathetic to us? Simply because you have been told to be or because you recognize there is an intrinsic value within us as human?
Yes. God is perfect. That's why all these things happend. Even in our society, don't we punished evil deed ? A perfect God will not let evil deeds go unpunished.
I do not see how your first point is related to the second. Why is perfection necessary for cause and affect?
We punish what we may view as evil. Evil itself is quite a relative/subjective thing.
God will not let evil deeds go unpunished? Really now? Perhaps he should punish the writers of luke and matthew for lying about Jesus' false lineage to David.
Punishment really isn't the issue. Righting the wrong is what makes the difference.
Yes, after the fall, everything becomes corrupt. That's why in the end of time, everything will be made new again. The end of time will come when the fullest number that can be saved is reach, for that only the omniscient God knows.
You do not know this for a fact of course. You merely reciting what the bible tells you.
There is no reason society should be viewed as sinful. God created us with this plan for our being in mind. He engineered the entirty of our lives according to the bible. If he merely wished wipe away sin he is under no binding contract to keep it.
Its creation out of nothing. Anyway, I was pointing it out, if you want to see a creation that couldn't sin, than see rocks and plants.
Now now. Thats not the same thing. All of creation is corrupt. Ergo there is nothing in our material universe that is without corruption.
But yes human are better than rock, because human has an immortal soul and physical body, we are capable to enjoy the goodness of God, far better than rocks.
Lol. According to you the rock is sinless
