Joe DeFuria said:
Natoma said:
Whether or not you agree with federal student funding through pell grants, stafford loans, perkins loans, etc, is irrelevant Joe.
It's completely relevant.
The only way to start cutting government waste, is to stop feeding it cash.
Again, your personal opinion is completely irrelevant to the thread at hand. What was the point of this thread in the first place?
Bush: Americans have a lower tax burden.
That is obviously not the case. It's simply been shifted to the states. As I said, it's disingenuous to make a statement like that, and you are free to read the originating article. Americans don't have a lower tax burden at all.
Joe DeFuria said:
Actually, we're owed money by the federal government. We still haven't received the appropriation funds from 9/11 in full,
"In full".
Yes, a significant chunk is still owed. But what was your point in putting "in full" in quotes? If we're owed $10 Million and we get $1K, is that supposed to mean something?
Joe DeFuria said:
let alone the funds for homeland security. NY is mandated to have a balanced budget. So how have we coped in the last 3 years? Double digit increases in property taxes, among others.
And this is blamed on Bush...not Terrorism? How about asking your state gov't to start re-prioritizing spending? In my family budget, Natoma, if we have some financial crisis, you can bet I'd re-prioritize our spending.
Again, who is blaming terrorism on Bush, Joe? Homeland Security is a federal program that requires federal funding for Ports and Border Security, yet those two crucial parts are
still woefully underfunded. Bush called for the department of Homeland Security, yet it has not received the appropriate level of funds in any of his proposed budgets for states or the federal responsibilities. Terrorism isn't Bush's fault, but lack of funding certainly is.
Joe DeFuria said:
So No Child Left Behind, a federal mandate, is the fault of the states relying on the federal government?
No, it's an mostly an ill-executed piece of legislation that doesn't go far enough (no vouchers). That being said....if States are going to get Federal money, they damn well better be measured on the effectiveness of putting it to use. (They money has to come with strings attached.)
I agree that No Child Left Behind is poorly executed, however, as I said before, it is putting demands and standards on the education system at a time when there is no money to actually fund those demands and standards. Yes, we all got the $2 Trillion in tax cuts in some form or another, but that has been easily offset in part by the increases in taxes at the state and local level required to fund No Child Left Behind and other programs. And it is
still underfunded, even with state and local increases.
Joe DeFuria said:
You bitch and moan about how much you don't want any money going to the states from the federal government. Well guess what, you're talking about a scenario that is far from reality.
No kidding. Which is exactly why cutting federal spending toward local budgets is a GOOD thing. It's going in the right direction.
But again, this is far from the reality of the situation. I'm not dealing with hypotheticals or what I want Joe. I'm dealing with what is the current situation in our country.
Joe DeFuria said:
Welcome to the real world Joe.
In the real world, people overwhelimgly oppose Gay Marriage. I guess that means you should just be content with that, right?
What was my statement at the beginning of this thread Joe? It had nothing to do with whether or not I believe states should not receive any federal funding for their own local mandates, to which I agree to a certain extent if you really must know. What was my statement, and my statements throughout this thread?
Natoma said:
My point in bringing this topic up was to stress how Bush says "I cut your taxes!" when overall, taxes have actually increased. It's a disingenuous statement.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Joe DeFuria said:
In the real world, Bush's policies have caused a net tax increase on the "average" american.
Wrong. In the real world, Bush's policies are forcing local governments to reconsider how dependent they want to be on federal government handouts. Do you want your local budgets depending on what the Corn Huskers in Nebraska think of NYC? Apparently so. Do you not understand that Nebraska's priorities are going to be different from yours?
Uhm, the state governments have no say in how they fund No Child Left Behind. They have no say with Homeland Security. There is absolutely no choice with those programs. State governments have no say in how much veterans have to pay for their prescription drugs. State governments have no say in how much they have to charge students to attend local colleges due to decreases in federal student aid.
That is far different than depending on some ethanol subsidy, thus basing your entire state economy around that. These are issues that the states
must comply with. There is no getting around it.
Joe DeFuria said:
Most normal people call that a tax increase.
Most normal people understand the difference between Federal and Local taxation.
Again, not the point of this thread.