Legion said:
To which I agree. Pedophilia was in fact a very natural and supported pillar of society during grecian and roman times, in order to initiate young boys into the world of men.
Was this wrong? Did those boys understand the rammifications of sex?
Within the grecian/roman society, no it was not wrong. And in fact, their society was geared towards those boys understanding the ramifications of sex and relationships. We see this in their writings and the annotated history that we are current privy to.
Legion said:
So yes, those actions are indeed as natural as heterosexuality, homosexuality, beastiality, et al. However, the moral objection to it is a completely different matter.
Really? Interesting. Is this one of those baseless moral objections you were describing elsewhere?
I will say this again. Within the moral confines of our own culture, the pedophilia expressed during grecian/roman times was amoral. Within the confines of their own culture, it was fine.
However, morality aside, pedophilia is still *natural*. And I have stated many times that natural and moral are two completely different lines of argumentation. This is truly quite simple and I have no clue why you keep trying to mix the two when I have so clearly separated them.
Legion said:
I'm not really sure how many times I can state that
As vince state you are inconsistant.
Quite obviously not. My line of argumentation has been quite static in this thread.
1) Natural is what is found in nature
2) Morality as applied to natural are societal constructs and do not necessarily have any bearing on what is "good" from a natural aspect.
These two basic tenets are so simple I'm really shocked that you and vince are having such a difficult time with them.
Legion said:
Hey I'm not the one who brought it up in this discussion.
Was i attacking you with that statement?
I never said you were. It was a joke.
Legion said:
I said that despite our intelligence and our "civilization," we are still subject to the forces of our animalistic nature.
Please explain exactly what the tenents of "animalistic nature" are and how they apply to humans and society.
Again, you haven't been reading. Hunger, Sex, The Need for Shelter. Everything we do extends from those basic facts that drive every organism on the planet.
Legion said:
We are not completely disembodied, 100% intellectual beings.
Really? Are we 70%? 80%? 90%? 99.99%? Based on what information?
The fact that we are still driven by our biology shows that we are not 100% intellectual beings. Do I know the percentage? Obviously not. No one does. But never did I state a strict percentage did I?
Legion said:
I have never stated that our instincts dominate us to the same degree as they dominate an amoeba, or a lion, or whatnot.
Then why are you arguing for a genetic predisposition to sexuality?
Sex *is* genetic. Just like hair color. Or eye color. Or skin color. However, it can be *expressed* in myriad ways due to hormones in the womb, and in early life I'm sure environmental factors. However, what it ends up being is an immutable expression of sexuality.
Come now this is basic biology. Gene expression was started even before my AP class.
Legion said:
If we weren't driven by our animal impulses anymore, you wouldn't have adultery, obesity, the insatiable male sex drive

P), etc etc etc.
I completely disagree with these statements. Sex drive is caused by chemical reactions in the brain. Human reaction and follow through is a matter of choice.
And where do you think the brain gets the notion to release those chemical reactions? Especially considering almost every human being's brain operates within the same way wrt "lower" brain functions. Where? Our DNA.
Human reaction and follow through is most certainly a matter of choice. If it weren't, you wouldn't have celibate priests. You wouldn't have homosexual activity. However, in both cases you *still* have sexual drive, despite the choice, or not, to inhibit that sexual drive.
Again, our intelligence layered on top of our most basic and biologically ingrained impulses.
Legion said:
The desire to build a web? That is a means by which a spider procures food.
An instinct. Clearly genetically based.
As is not sex?? We've been down this road before. See above. This is basic stuff.
Legion said:
The dog has no such need to do that
Define "need" in an evolutionary random mutational sense.
The dog has no need because it has evolved other means of procuring food. I made that clear in the next sentence, if you had quoted it together in one block of text.
Legion said:
nor is it physically capable of doing such a thing.
Sense when do physical limitations and instinct go hand in hand? What is instinct and what causes it?
The *expression* of those instincts is physically limiting. The instincts, as I stated quite clearly, are *still* toward the procurement of food in order to satiate hunger.
Legion said:
Dogs however have evolved the ability to hunt in packs and cooperate in dominance societies in order to increase their survival.
An instinct which is clearly partially genetically driven. Althought dogs in packs and dogs as pets demonstrate a number of different behaviors.
You're confusing what instinct is Legion. Dogs hunting in packs is not instinct. It is an expression of the hunger drive, as well as the drive for shelter. It is a higher form of society layered on top of those instincts, which I stated in the next sentence that you broke off and commented on as its own separate thought.
I can see why you get so confused.
Legion said:
However they are still outgrowths of the initial basic biological need to satiate hunger.
None of this answers the questions behind human genetic disposition of sexuality.
See above.
Legion said:
Yes, the drive for sex does indeed express itself in varying ways of sexuality just as the hunger drive expresses itself in differing animals in varying ways.
Interesting. As it does in rats. Does it in humans? Can you prove this?
I've just done so, myriad times and myriad ways. See above.
Legion said:
I never said or alluded to the fact that we are only driven by instinct. I merely stated that despite our intelligence and our civilization, we are still driven in large part by instinct. However, that instinct is tempered by our intellect and our civilization.
In large part by instinct? You have only mentioned very basic instinctual behaviors. You haven't addressed this "large part" or how it impacts us. You clearly seem to avoid the enviromental effects outside of instinct which may cause some one to do as they do. Clearly we are highly rational beings.
No one has stated we aren't rational beings. However we are still driven by our basic needs. As I stated before, a celibate priest, despite the call to celibacy, still is a sexual being. Why? Because they are being driven by their animalistic impulses. But the intelligence layered on top of the "animal man" portion of our brains stops them from going out and engaging in sexual activity.
Legion said:
It is merely a fact of life. Kill or be killed. But never did I state that we should go out and kill simply because we are biologically hardwired to do so in order to protect our assets.
Natoma you clearly haven't proven this. Natoma shall we go over a police record and examine the murders to see what you consider an act of instinct?
What am I trying to prove? Killing occurs naturally. But as a species we have evolved to the point whereby our civilization frowns upon wanton killing (save for wars of course. Which I find an interesting study in the human condition considering that we will denigrate a person for brutally killing another person in our society, but put that same person in a war and they come back a hero.). We are in fact biologically hardwired to protect our assets, and an expression of that biology is in fact killing. Jeffrey Dahmer was most certainly acting on his most basic impulses to procure food, for instance.
However, as I've stated over and over and over and over again, due to our level of civilization, we have moved past some of those base needs and drives. However, the point remains that we are still influenced quite strongly by them.
I would kill to protect my partner. Is it because I'm crazy? No. Because I want to protect that which is "mine" so to speak. There are many fathers and mothers that would kill to protect their child. Is it because they're crazy? No. There are many wives and husbands who would kill to protect their spouse. There are people that would kill to protect their home. Their families. Hell their car. This is all an expression of our most basic drives. Do you understand now?
Legion said:
The mere fact we recognize humans have the ability to choose to avoid such behaviors is an admittion (in the case of this being an instinct) that we have the ability to reason. Hence the reason we have codes; morals, laws, etc.
And never have I stated we didn't.
Legion said:
Natoma it appears you aren't willing to admitt there maybe me more pyshological reasons then instintual ones for murder. Are Jealousy and greed instincts? Are emmotional responses instinct?
They are outgrowths/expressions of our base instincts, yes. The sex drive most certainly fuels jealousy. The drive for shelter (shelter being possessions with which we own and surround ourselves with, be it a home, a car, etc) most certainly fuels greed, as it is an expression that wants *more*.
We have higher brain functions because we have evolved to the point whereby we can inject a certain modicum of reason into the equation. But strip that all away and we are still not that far removed from our animalistic ancestors who hunted for food and killed one another indiscriminantly.
Legion said:
Natoma, for quick reference do you think the way humans preceive emmotions is bio-hardwired?

. Just wondering.
The perception of emotions is indeed hardwired. It has been shown in many studies that babies are able to recognize and induce emotional responses in their parents. They are hardwired to do so because it is in their interest to do so. When you are born you are completely dependent on your family to care for you.
Ever wonder why people can't seem to put a baby down for instance? It's because their bodies secrete extremely high levels of a substance called sebum which is almost a baby magnet. It produces hormonal effects in the human body and brain which make it quite pleasurable for humans to be around babies. That is a physical aspect of their need for survival, but a good example nonetheless.
So back to your original question, yes we are hardwired for emotions. However, the expression of our emotions does indeed become tempered the more we learn and evolve as human beings within our lifetime. Hence when you look at most human beings who are adults you generally don't see tantrums being thrown when they don't get what they want, or eating whenever and whatever they wish, etc etc etc. It is because those drives and emotional impulses are tempered by our intellect.
Now grant you there are people that cannot control their emotions at certain times, but generally we are far more evolved and restrained than we were as children.
Legion said:
Our intellect and our civilization, and the natural outgrowth of that, i.e. our collective moral code, is what helps separate us from "lower" animals.
No, our ability to reason outside of instinct helped us create these structures and acquire knowledge. These societies came from somewhere Natoma. A region outside of instinct.
Uhm, I agreed with you on this facet Legion. You're just using different language. And you snipped out the portion in which I did so.
Natoma said:
Our intellect and our civilization, and the natural outgrowth of that, i.e. our collective moral code, is what helps separate us from "lower" animals.
However, "lower" animals also display civilization and intellect, and in some cases a collective moral code. See dolphins, primates, and elephant herds as example.
Their intelligence is what helps them create these societal structures. Even though they are "lower" animals, they still possess enough "higher" intelligence to form these structures. Even the most lowly animals such as ants possess highly structured forms of society that would rival our own.
Legion said:
Wrt to the intellectual level, that was not meant to imply that if you have an IQ of 120, you can't consort with someone who has an IQ of 110. That was a general statement, and looking at my statement I apologize for not making that clearer.
I understood what you meant. Again why is it wrong?
I explained it already.
Legion said:
There is a certain level at which human intelligence ceases to be human intelligence, and moves to the intellect seen in "lower" life forms.
whoa really? Levels now.
Uhm, yes? Or are you not familiar with IQ tests and general levels of human intelligence? Such as the fact that you are considered mentally disabled if you have an adult IQ below 70? Or the fact that the average adult human has an IQ of 100-110?
You did study psychology right? This is 101.
Legion said:
For instance, if you find a human who is mentally disabled with an IQ of 60, they are for all intents and purposes no smarter than a 5 year old child. Applying a moral code to who should engage in sexual interactions, I would say that I think someone at that level should not engage in sexual interactions with someone who has a "normal" level of intelligence due to the fact that I don't believe they can fully appreciate and understand what it is they are doing.
How eugenics esque of you. How on earth do you know what a mentally retarded person can think or feel? Personally i am disugsted by this statement. Are they some how less human then you or I? Do they not deserve to be loved the same way? Who are you to judge their capacities?
As I stated before Legion:
Natoma said:
I completely agree. It is a difficult thing to conceptualize. I've merely stated my belief on the situation. How one would then legislate that is a completely different story.
I don't think it's possible to legislate or pass judgment on that. As I stated, I was applying my own moral code. But as I also stated, that is another level beyond what is natural behavior. You can also apply your own moral code to the situation.
Legion said:
It almost becomes, in a sense, an advantage taking situation. It's one of the reasons why people in general have a negative predilection towards pedophilia, and imo rightfully so.
What is paedophilia is relative and subjective.
I don't think I need to define pedophilia wrt today's society Legion. C'mon now I'm not going to hold your hand on everything. You will have to think for yourself at some point.
Legion said:
That is why I stated that I don't believe a woman having sex with a pig is something that would be "good."
Who are you to judge what is good or bad?
Why do you insist on going down this road? I stated what I'm basing my opinions on. I'm not saying here nor there that it is necessarily right. Just my opinion based on my beliefs. It's also why I surrounded good with quotes, because "good" is a subjective term. I thought you would have picked up on that, but I guess not. :?
Legion said:
Yes, and I believe that "underage" sex is something that shouldn't happen,
lol. The age limit is nothing more than an arbitrary figure. Other societies have much lower age limits. Is there something inherently wrong with this? Who are you to judge the capacity of these individuals and their understanding of sex and it's impacts?
Also why I put the word underage in quotes, because I agree it is an arbitrary number. Again I thought you would have picked up on that, but I suppose not.
Legion said:
because a great many of people having "underage" sex don't understand the full ramifications of their actions.
Plenty on the opposite end don't either. I might even venture to say the number may be equal.
I completely agree.
Legion said:
Abortion is something that when completed on a child can have serious psychologically scarring effects.
Why on a child and not anyone else? Seems to me the scaring effect happens pretty much the same accross the board from the research i have seen.
Children, in general, are less capable of withstanding these sort of things than adults. Not in every case mind you. However, it is a generally accepted fact that adults can make their own decisions and understand the ramifications of those decisions once they pass the magical age of adulthood. It's one reason why people generally don't care if you're an adult smoker, but if you're a teen smoker they want to stop you. But once you pass 18, all bets are off.
As stated before, it is an arbitrary number, but still a number set up within our society to help us gauge when you are a child and when you are an adult.
Legion said:
The way you word this is interest. You seem to presupose the effects on children are greater then those on "adult" thought they are both guilty of sexual ignorance. By your earlier reasoning neither should be having sex.
Indeed I have. See above.
Legion said:
Huh? How do they not back my beliefs wrt to beastiality and underage sex? Hopefully I've clarified that above.
No you haven't. I pointed out to you why your assertions don't back your conclusions as your assertions are based on modern subjective interpretations of reality not fact.
You're still not making any sense Legion. I've stated how my assertions back my claims over and over again. Read above again before responding if you wish to understand.
Legion said:
I thought I was clear on this point. If a woman wants to have sex with a run of the mill lower life form pig here on earth, I would be opposed due to the outlined boundaries I expressed above.
As many would be by their expressed boundaries concerning homosexuality.
Most people are opposed to homosexuality because of their religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are most certainly not something steeped in logic or reason.
There are those, such as Joe, who have tried to take the logical/reasoned routed and argued that homosexuals (and please correct me if I'm wrong here Joe) should not have marriage rights and legal recognization on the same level as heterosexuals because of the fact that homosexuality is unnatural. However that has been disproven as well.
You asked for my own boundaries on the subject. My boundaries are based on intelligence and/or the ability to comprehend the actions taken. In general as a society, we superimpose those beliefs by enacting such arbitrary functions as age limits.
Legion said:
If that same woman wants to have sex with an intelligent pig from Zoufrous, I see nothing wrong with that.
But you do see something wrong with having sex with a normal earth pig as many see something wrong with having sex with other men.
A normal earth pig is not as intelligent as a woman, nor do they understand, wrt our level of understanding, what it is they are doing. Clearly a man having sex with another man is a completely different situation.
This is bordering on common sense and drifting into the comical Legion. You really are, I would hope, smarter and quicker mentally than this.
Legion said:
If that same woman wants to have sex with an AI, I see nothing wrong with that.
well gee i am sure she is glad to have your moral approval.
My "approval" is neither here nor there. You asked me what my opinion on the subject was and I provided it. Whether or not my opinion ends up being "correct" is another case altogether.
Legion said:
I completely agree. It is a difficult thing to conceptualize. I've merely stated my belief on the situation. How one would then legislate that is a completely different story.
Its interesting that you admit this though accross the board many countries have fluctuating age limits. One might even ask if it is possible to change the age limit after time. Intersting isn't it? That a society's moral structure can adjust with time to fir the changing populace. It almost serves as an admittion that age and naivty don't always go hand in hand.
I stated that from the very beginning though. All the references to greco-roman times for instance.
Legion said:
As stated earlier the romans and the grecians practiced pedophilia and it was accepted in their societies as an every day occurrence and passage into adulthood.
Again is there anything wrong with this? Did the greeks see paedophlia as wrong? Did it hurt these individuals? Alexander the great didn't mind it to much.
I stated this above. See above in this post, and earlier.
Legion said:
My belief on the subject is obviously an outgrowth of the society I've grown up in,
ahh so you admitt your opinion is ubjective.
I alluded to and admitted that from the very beginning. You sure are taking a long time to let all this sink in. :?
Legion said:
which lets children spend 20-25 years maturing into adults. In past times, you were an adult the moment you had your period, or the moment you first ejaculated or could hold a sword.
Interesting. Did you know objections to homosexuals and homosexual adoption, marriage etc are extentions of the enviroments people grow up in? I am amazed that you admit similiar substance to their position!
Just as objections to interracial marriage was once an extension of the environments people grew up in. Just as objections to voting women was once an extension of the environments people grew up in. Just as objections to free slaves was once an extension of the environments people grew up in.
Legion said:
So my belief structure wrt to underage sex is most decidedly influenced by our current system of letting children spend the better part of 3 decades maturing psychologically, emotionally, and physically.
Which clearly has demostrated flaws. Why is it that such behavior is wrong now but not then? Your position lacks factual support.
I never stated it was wrong. You inferred that, but I never stated it. I said it was different in the grecian/roman times. But nowhere did I state it was "wrong."
Legion said:
Clearly people make a great deal of sexual mistakes. It seems the age limit isn't properly effecting the number of mistakes people make. If i were to compare our society with many of those in the past i could easily say our society is sexually irresponsible. Much of this comes from the sexual revolution and its undermining of personal and family values.
Heh. You must not have studied 18th century Europe and 19th century America. Ahh the Enlightenment age. Hell, not to mention the early 20th century. The Roaring 20s anyone?
Legion said:
Asserting there is something inherently wrong with having sex at a younger ages confuses me when i examine the historicity of marriage/sexual encounters. It appears clear to me that education and moral structure are truly he basis of responsible choices. Even ancient Jews have demonstrated a great successin marriage at the age of 13. Perhaps that is because they valued what they new about sex more?
Again, you have inferred that meaning from my statements when I have said nothing to that effect. You are projecting your own moral code onto my statements when I have not done so unless stated explicitly.
Legion said:
If they agree to not have children, or they get sterilized, then there would be no opposition to their marriage.
So there isn't anything inherently wrong with incest?
There can be problems with incest, but that is not for me to judge. The United States government allows incest as long as there is enough genetic drift taken into the equation, hence the "second cousin" rule.
So wrt our government, incest is not "wrong." And please notice, again, that I am putting the word in quotes.
Legion said:
Wrt the partner who turns out children with mental retardations and other genetic disorders being forbidden to live together or being forced sterilized. I believe that that is most certainly something that in the future won't even need to be addressed.
The same could be said about incest. Why not answer the question as it exist now.
I can't answer that question because frankly it's not something that has occurred yet on the national consciousness. So frankly I haven't given much thought to it. However when I think about it further I'll expand on the idea.