BSOD caused by atikmdag.sys


Ok I am having a strange problem. I have 4 1gig sticks of gskill DDR2 800 ram and depending on the configuration I get different problms.

2 DIMMS in any configuration: Will run normally most of the time but I will get a "display driver crashed and has recovered" error message randomly and sometimes this will continue unabated for a minute and then hardlock and then BSOD. The BSOD screen tells me it was caused by atikmdag.sys

3 DIMMS in any configuration: Will boot but after the windows logo/loading screen disappears it will BSOD with the same error as before. This happens every time no matter what.

4 DIMMS will run normally for a while but randomly hard locks with no BSOD. (It might show up after a bit but I have never waited long enough)

These errors seem to be related to both the ATi display driver and the ram.

Ive tried manually uping the voltage of the ram but this doesnt help.

Multiple test with memtest and the built in vista memory test turn up no errors.

System specs

Abit IP35-E Motherboard
C2Q 6600 CPU
Radeon 3870X2 Video Card
2x 500GB Segate HDD
650 Watt Seasonic PSU

Any help would be appreciated.
Do you have another motherboard to try the ram in?

You have 4 slots right for ram on the board right? I ask b/c that rules out the issue of checking to see if you have to populate them in a given order.

I would try uninstalling the ATI driver and using default Vista one (no games) and then seeing if all is stable. If it is then you can worry about driver, but that seems somewhat unlikely to me.