brain teaser thread

or this one :
imagine a plane on a free wheeling treadmill that instantly matches the speed of the wheels would it be able to take off
Of course. The wheels aren't driving the aircraft.
Very simple one:

At the end of a very long and winding corridor, there is a light bulb. You are standing in front of a switchboard with three switches (all in the off position). You can't see the light from where you are standing.

You know one of these switches turns on the light but only want to make one trip down the corridor and back to identify which is the right switch. What do you do?
I'd whack those friggin smurfs regardless, little buggers :devilish:

^^ All switches on, done. One of them will hopefully microwave the smurfs too.
Light bulb answer:
You turn on the first switch and wait a while. Then you turn off the first switch and turn on the second switch. Walk to the end of the corridor. If the light is on, it was the second switch. If the light is off, touch the bulb. Warm bulb = first switch, cold bulb = third switch.
No, it works whatever the distribution.
Think of it this way: each smurf only needs to know the even or odd "count" for each color to make his decision.

Ex: distribution unknown:
The smurf 100 calls out the odd color he sees before him - blue. All each smurf in line needs to do then is keep up with is the even or odd count for blue.

For example, say it is smurf 47's turn and blue has been called an odd (x) number of time previously. Smurf 47 then counts how many blue hats (y) he sees before him. If y is odd then x+y=even. Since he knows there must be an odd number of hats, he knows his hat is blue. Likewise, if y=even, then x+y=odd, and he knows his hat can not be blue.
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Making money, the Gödel way

You have two offers:

Offer A: "Make a statement. If it's correct you'll get $1000. If not you'll get some amount (still money) other than $1000."

Offer B: "Make a statement. You will get something higher than $1000 independent of the truth value of that statement"

Which would you prefer?
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You have two offers:

Offer A: "Make a statement. If it's correct you'll get $1000. If not you'll get something other than $1000."

Offer B: "Make a statement. You will get something higher than $1000 independent of the truth value of that statement"

Which would you prefer?
If I understand you correctly...
.. you are offering three options.
  1. A+ Truth => $1000
  2. A+ False => something else. That could be $100000, a piece of string, or it could be death!!
  3. B => more than $1000

Seems that the only sensible choice is 3
If I understand you correctly...

Well I wasn't clear obviously. Whatever you pick, you always get some cash (no death, no flowers, no love).

So if you pick offer A and tell a lie (e.g. 2+2=5) you still get some money but it won't be $1000. Can be $1 or $10000.
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Well I wasn't clear obviously. Whatever you pick, you always get some cash (no death, no flowers, no love).

So if you pick offer A and tell a lie (e.g. 2+2=4) you still get some money but it won't be $1000. Can be $1 or $10000.
But what are the distributions of this versus that of B? I mean, if the A+lie choice is heavily biased towards really huge amounts but B is biased towards being just greater than $1000 then the former would be preferable. <shrug>. I can't see that there is enough information.
Since I don't understand what betan is on about ;) I'll post another which I found quite clever.

Whilst blindfolded, you're presented with a tray of 100 coins. You're told that half the coins show heads the other half tails, and that the distribution is completely random. If you can separate the coins into two groups, each with an equal number of coins showing heads, then you get to keep the lot. How can this be done?
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But what are the distributions of this versus that of B? I mean, if the A+lie choice is heavily biased towards really huge amounts but B is biased towards being just greater than $1000 then the former would be preferable. <shrug>. I can't see that there is enough information.

I believe the information is enough (as teasers go) and one can argue that the solution is about the lack of information.

Here is another logical teaser that's slightly different but can be considered as a hint (no answer):
King asks the prisoner: "Tell me something, if it's true you'll be decapitated, if not you'll be hanged".
How can the prisoner survive?

Since I don't understand what betan is on about ;) I'll post another which I found quite clever.

Whilst blindfolded, you're presented with a tray of 100 coins. You're told that the coins either show heads or tails, and that the distribution is completely random. If you can separate the coins into two groups, each with an equal number of coins showing heads, then you get to keep the lot. How can this be done?

Now that looks like an incomplete question.
Don't you need to tell us how many of the coins are showing heads or something?
I believe the information is enough (as teasers go) and one can argue that the solution is about the lack of information.
Ahh... I think I can see that there are other options, but I have not yet worked out how to get it to my advantage.
In fact, I think, so far, I've just caused deadlock :| e.g. Statement "You will NOT give me $1000" and choose option A :)
Ahh... I think I can see that there are other options, but I have not yet worked out how to get it to my advantage.
In fact, I think, so far, I've just caused deadlock :| e.g. Statement "You will NOT give me $1000" and choose option A :)

so close
A fair point. ;)
Ah... Now that you've edited your original clues, I can solve it.
Separate the 100 coins into two, completely arbitrary, sets of 50 each, A and B.

We know
T(A) + T(B) = 50 (eqn 1)

and T(A) + H(B) = 50 (eqn 3)

3=> T(A) = 50 - H(B)
1 => 50 - H(A) + T(B) = 50
=> H(A) = T(B)

i.e. number of Heads in A is the same as the number of Tails in B.

Simply turn over all the coins in set B.
Ahh... I think I can see that there are other options, but I have not yet worked out how to get it to my advantage.

Choose A. "You will give me less than 10 Billion dollars but not $1000"