We're looking for a little more than that. Reliability is a given, we want something we'll like too.
I'm still pushing for a cheapy little car, that'd be my fave solution to be honest. Something cheap & decent.
Probably not what you are looking for, but if you want something cheap that also has style and comfort buy a citroen DS

These things rock. They look awsome, are pretty reliable for a 30 year old car (though ofcourse it does require some more maintanace), it looks awsome (why want a BMW that looks like a brick?
Peugeot is out just like Alfa, but it is a cute car. Thanks.
Do you know the reason for that? I always though with the gazzilion rules we have in Europe if somethings is OK here it certainly must be OK in the states. I doubt safety or emission are the problem?