BMW 328i Sedan

Lol! Have you heard of Lexus?

LOL, yes, I have one (hybrid) right here completely stripped for comparison to our own developments. What do you want to say? Lexus is just as primitive (with exception of the hybrid part) as Toyota under the hood .

Old doesn't mean worse, just old and thus inherently more reliable due to bugfixes and extensive testing in the field.
Look, what you're saying is pretty much like saying "a bicycle is more reliable then a motorcycle", that's all.

No I am saying a Japanese car in the main would be more reliable than a BMW.

The fact that a BMW might have a few toys that are basically unneeded that cause it to break is none of my concern.
LOL, yes, I have one (hybrid) right here completely stripped for comparison to our own developments. What do you want to say? Lexus is just as primitive (with exception of the hybrid part) as Toyota under the hood
Imagine something very wrong, times it by ten and that's how wrong you currently are.
LOL, yes, I have one (hybrid) right here completely stripped for comparison to our own developments. What do you want to say? Lexus is just as primitive as Toyota under the hood with exception of the hybrid part.

"Primitive"? I see your rationality has left the building. The simple fact is that Toyota/Lexus, Honda and others know how to build reliable cars - you do not.

Having a gazillion half-tested gadgets in a car is not necessarily a good thing.
"Primitive"? I see your rationality has left the building. The simple fact is that Toyota/Lexus, Honda and others know how to build reliable cars - you do not.

Having a gazillion half-tested gadgets in a car is not necessarily a good thing.

We could take a '99 (last run) W202 C-class, give it a new dress and release it tomorrow. It would be more reliable than anything out there and offer all the features needed. That's pretty much what Toyota & co are doing. We bring the tech first, test it a few years and they use it after we contributed to making it reliable.

Now I'm not saying that they couldn't do it themselves, that's just the way their politics are.
Dude, I think that XXX actually is biased, given where and who he works for.

No, I just know exactly what I'm talking about. We thoroughly butcher every new car from the competition for comparison, there's a whole division doing just that and releasing their detailed analisys on the intranet regularely.
Dude I think that XXX actually knows what he is talking about given where and who he works for..
Doesn't mean he holds the monopoly on what is considered "quality" in a car, though. For many quality is equal to reliability and TCO, while for others it may be performance, style, feel, tech-level or whatever.
I'm not talking about quality as such, but the factors which are playing into reliability.

Simple logic:
lots of new tech - many bugs, less reliable
old and proven tech - few bugs, more reliable

Comparing the same generation (tech-wise) components out there, we pretty much all offer the SAME quality in the given class, since we all have the very same suppliers.
Simple logic:
lots of new tech - many bugs, less reliable
old and proven tech - few bugs, more reliable

In the case of BMW, they have been having problems with the "spindle joints" for ages. Old and proven tech, yet still problems.

In the case of Mercedes, there have been several articles in the press about bad rust protection on newer models (A-Klasse especially). Old and proven tech, yet still problems.
Clearly you don't. I (and anyone who has internet) has access to figures and statistics that repeatedly and very clearly show Japanese cars to be of top quality. German cars? Not so good.

Why not start showing some figures then in the name of the mighty Intaanet?! ;)

Seriously, I'd trust the insight of _xxx_ with actual inside information (just as I would trust an actual mechanic in the know) over a bunch of consumers mispleased by some of the things that happened to them and letting it out in public satisfaction surveys that is still limited by what exactly happend, definition of quality and how many participated in the survey in the first place (not to mention how reputable it would be anyway) any day of the week.