Bionic Commando demo

Mmmm, I always preferred the grapple in the Q2 CTF mod by three-something (been so long I can't remember).

Loved being a grapple monkey.

Was thinking of giving this a try to relive some o those moments, but if it's that random and slow responding. Bleh...


Threewave CTF, the first CTF for a FPS (and best). I was a member of o8, one of the top scandinavian clans.

CTF style gameplay in Bionic Commando could be cool but I dont think the gameplay will be as fast or accurate as needed to make it really fun. Worth keeping an eye on though.
hmm... I played the demo last night and had no problems finding a game or easily connecting through Live.

I'm on the West Coast though, so maybe it's a time thing?

The demo was kinda fun.. the controls seemed difficult and unintuitive, and the picture was dark and it was really tough to figure out what you could and couldn't grapple on, etc.

It seemed like a game with a steeper than usual learning curve that might have some good fun once you got the hang of it.