Billy "Wicked" Wilson has died. :(

geo said:
pax said:
Looks like it was liver failure from his days of 'hard living' but it was unexpected as he had dropped the bottle long ago...

Oh well :(...

At 33?!! M'gawd, that's a weak liver to start with no matter how hard you're abusing it with liquor.

Youd be surprised how fast and how much damage can be done with alcohol and worse mixed with other drugs... Its in line with those few college kids who die of alcohol poisoning every year..,. Think Ill donate a few bucks to AA in Billy's honor.

But how knows maybe he got hepatitis or some other liver disease and this has nothing to do with any past chemical abuse.
RussSchultz said:
I believe liquor + tylenol == unhappy liver.
Something they don't ever tell you in big letters on the box.

(Again, another off topic: I ran into this website searching for info on tylenol and liver: very very very very strange. surreal even)
My good friend Billy Colias died of that combo while trying to nurse a flu back in the early 90s. It's a scary combo that no one seems aware of. :?
Indeed, voluntary and inadvertent acetaminophen (Tylenol) intoxication is a relatively common cause of death by poisoning, especially in the UK where it is a popular method for attempting suicide. Some victims get more than they bargained for when they become comatose and wake up after having emergency liver transplantation. Trouble is, government health agencies continue to do little about the fact that the public remains largely unaware of the drug's potential for life-threatening toxicity.
Tylenol is a non-prescription painkiller, right? Is it paracetamol-based? Coz, mixing that drug with alcohol is terribly bad for the liver. It's more an acute symptom though - it shouldn't manifest itself years after the damage's been done.
I believe you only need a few to several grams to be fatally toxic to your liver. Seen a few during my college years when I worked at an ER.
Sounds to me like it should be prescribed... I knew it was bad for the liver... But its sounding more and more dangerous.

Damn I hope advil isnt as bad Ive been using that almost exclusively for last 10 years...
Tha maximum recommended dosage is 3 grams a day. 2 x 500mg x 3. Habitual users of alcohol will both metabolize the drug quicker as well as have inhibit the liver functions that 'disarms' the toxic byproducts, so someone with an alcohol problem or otherwise weakened liver-functions can be at a greater risk. In a normal, healthy adult, alcohol taken with a paracetamol overdose does not increase any injury caused to the liver. In fact, as the two compounds compete for the same metabolic pathways, there may be a protective effect from the alcohol. 10 grams can cause 'serious liver damage' in an adult, but a 'non catastrophic' overdose will not cause permanent damage.

Edited for clarity and correctness.
I hope the email I sent to (most likely his family) gets posted somewhere :

To whoever reads this,

I had read with great sadness about Billy's demise.

Although I have never actually met him, there have been many things Billy did for me that I will never forget. The first was his offer to host what was an amateurish "Half-Life Tweak Guide" back when he was at VE. He may not know it but this generousity shown by him led to a number of things that happened to me later -- he offered to host my site ( ) proper instead of just that H-L tweak document, which ultimately led to my running for a while, which means I got to know a lot of the folks in the 3D industry, including hardware folks as well as game developers.

I will also never forget one particular incident. I had also done a "Quake3 Tweak Guide" (while being hosted by Billy/VE) and it was plagiarized by some site whose domain escapes me now. After informing Billy about it, Billy not only stood up for me against that criminal, Billy eventually stood up to a legal dare from that a**hole -- Billy told that person about the legal background his family has and would have no problem with a legal case. Needless to say, that individual had his tail between his legs after that and just STFU. I thanked Billy for that and Billy just said "That's what we do, bro.".

I honestly don't know what to say at this moment. Every single person on this planet has his/her flaws and Billy is no exception. The biggest regret I have is that I just lost touch with him a couple of years back.

Some months after I informed Billy that I wanted to take leave from being hosted by him/VE, Billy emailed me with :

"Just wondering if you would ever consider coming back on VE? We miss you."

I am sure a lot of folks will miss you, Billy.
You almost had me in tears Rev...
"Just wondering if you would ever consider coming back on VE? We miss you."

I am sure a lot of folks will miss you, Billy.
[Lump in throat]

Makes you think of your own mortality doesn't it? Had a very close experience to death very recently myself. Weird thing is I did actually think to myself at the time - "if I am to die then I'm happy to go," and didn't panic or suffer from any anxiety and just let it be and got on with what I was supposed to do.