I figured it'd be better to ask this in the demilitarized zone instead.
I recently picked up a used copy of Rez and it occured to me that it would probably sound great on my trusty pair of cans (MDR-V6) instead of my crappy TV speakers (Im still in the middle ages when it comes upgrading my sound system). Then I realized I have no idea how to hook them up to my PS2. My TV set doesnt have a headphone jack and the PS2 itself doesnt seem to carry one either. Anyone have experience using headphones on a console? Do I need an amp or something? Appreciate any help on this, thanks.
I recently picked up a used copy of Rez and it occured to me that it would probably sound great on my trusty pair of cans (MDR-V6) instead of my crappy TV speakers (Im still in the middle ages when it comes upgrading my sound system). Then I realized I have no idea how to hook them up to my PS2. My TV set doesnt have a headphone jack and the PS2 itself doesnt seem to carry one either. Anyone have experience using headphones on a console? Do I need an amp or something? Appreciate any help on this, thanks.