Banned X360 ad

Guden Oden said:
Christ. Like a person who isn't into console gaming is going to spend 3-400 dollars on a brand new console because some ad on TV shows adults playing Tarantino gangsters?

This ISN'T the way non-gamers will suddenly start buying really expensive consoles. To me, this ad is merely trying to say, "our console is hip! if you buy it you'll be hip too!" and it just plain doesn't work like that.

There is as much a lack of a clear message here as it was in the ropeskipping commercial. Would you try to sell cars by having a couple guys standing in wading boots in a river fishing through the entire commercial? That's basically what MS is doing here.

I think a lot of ad executives and marketing people would just outright disagree with you.
speng said:
?!? ? ?

How many people will get that? Only a few FPS gamers.

Um, everyone who ever played cops and robbers as a pretty much everyone

I just don't think the timing on these ads are right, I mean they're good ads, and I see the message, but what's the point when the console is priced at $400?

They should be running hardcore game ads right now, and next year, if they ahve something at the $199 pricepoint, then start this whole "jump in" stuff. Right now no-one CAN jump in because there's no consoles available, and even if there were, they're $300-400 which is not realistic for non gamers right now.

So good ads, wrong time.

Guden - The problem is if you start your typical game ad, the non-gamers mind immediately dismisses it, and they switch off, ingoring the content since they don't play video games. With these commercials you capture their attention all the way to the end, and then spring the video game logo, it's probably a very effective approach at leaving a lasting impression on the non-gamer mind, much more so than the typical CGI montage that make up your typical ad.
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