Banned X360 ad

it's pretty sad when something so innocent can't be released on TV. It's a good commercial, I don't see what the problem is, people ned to get over this PC bullshit
It's funny how commercials are sometimes. I thought it was going to be really cheasy when it started, but the music was a perfect match and made it quite enjoyable.

I don't see how this could be banned, but then again, I hate watching movies on the big US networks because they cut out so much.
Amusing for sure, and unique, but where's the connection to video games? It still suffers from the same problem the first one does, that it has nothing to do with the product it sells. Nobody's going to go out and buy an xbox because of this, even if they chuckled at it.

I suppose they're aiming at 'creating brand recognition', but that works when you sell tomato ketchup and sports wear and such. There, the brand IS the product.

For a console, the brand is merely the device you use to play the actual product on. And people's willingness to buy either depends on the quality of the second, not the first.

And where was this banned, when, and for what reason exactly?
Mintmaster said:
I hate watching movies on the big US networks because they cut out so much.
They actually edit down the movies when they broadcast them? Man, it must suck to be american in that case...
According to some forum boards, it seems that Microsoft just feels it's better to not use this commercial. It's not banned by anyone.
Guden Oden said:
Amusing for sure, and unique, but where's the connection to video games? It still suffers from the same problem the first one does, that it has nothing to do with the product it sells. Nobody's going to go out and buy an xbox because of this, even if they chuckled at it.

That's so simple though. It's the idea of 'playing' like you did when you're a kid. The message is 'adults can play too'
Guden Oden said:
They actually edit down the movies when they broadcast them? Man, it must suck to be american in that case...

Yep, you'll need to have HBO or satellite to get movies and series uncutted, I spent a year in the States a while back and Watching the movie Friday on cable is still one of the most amuzing experiences I have had :).

Rental movies are not cutted though and probably never were, unlike here in Finland. It was probably 90 something, before they stop cutting them.
I agree.. I don't get the people who don't get the ads.

Maybe it's a cultural thing, although that last add seemed to come from the UK or some place other than NA.

I thought the ad was actually very well done, I actually SMILED at the end of it with the cab driver telling the guy to hold on when he went to do his 'real, adult business' and then played dead after he got off the phone.

Hysterical mix of how people take life too seriously and should put time aside to have some fun.
I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with that one, though I'm not really inspired by it this campaign so far either.

On the other hand, the one with the water-balloon fight should be quietly forgotten by MS... it looks like they took a really fun concept and let it be filmed by someone that wanted to make a war documentary.
Yeah, I didn't get the waterballoon one at all. Speaking of ads, though, I really enjoyed the Nintendo Wifi Ninja ad. Even my girlfriends' friends were laughing at that one.
Guden Oden said:
Amusing for sure, and unique, but where's the connection to video games? It still suffers from the same problem the first one does, that it has nothing to do with the product it sells. Nobody's going to go out and buy an xbox because of this, even if they chuckled at it.
The whole point of the campaign is to get non-video gamers into video gaming, or to at least buy the Xbox 360.

That's why there are a bunch of adults (non-stereotypical video gamers) having fun like they did as a kid (as someone else said), and everyone is getting into it. Then the "jump in" logo.

It's not the kind of commercial that'll hit people over the head with the message, but it's good for what they're trying to do IMO.
They're referring to online gameplay.

People are.. really not going to have so much fun "jumping in" when a bunch of teenagers who've been gaming on Xbox Live for years whip their asses..
Blade said:
They're referring to online gameplay.

People are.. really not going to have so much fun "jumping in" when a bunch of teenagers who've been gaming on Xbox Live for years whip their asses..

True, but MS is attempting to remedy this by having different "channels" on Live. There is one for hardcore gamers, one for casual gamers, one for family-friendly gaming, one "anything goes" channel, etc. Also, Live ranks everybody's achievements, and I believe it tries to match you up with gamers of similar skill levels. There will still be balancing issues, but MS is focusing on making online gaming as accessible as possible..

As for this particular commercial, I can see why MS chose not to show it. Some Americans have sticks up their asses and will complain about anything that even hints at violence. Violent TV shows will stay on the air because they get ratings, but the networks will pull any commercial off the air for the dumbest reasons. For example, there was a Nike ad that featured some olympic runner escaping a Jason-esque guy with a chainsaw. NBC pulled it from the air after getting so many complaints that it was "offensive to women". And that was for an obvious movie parody that didn't show or imply anybody actually getting hurt!
?!? ? ?

How many people will get that? Only a few FPS gamers.

I can see why they changed their minds from the mall shooting event.

Asher said:
The whole point of the campaign is to get non-video gamers into video gaming, or to at least buy the Xbox 360.
Christ. Like a person who isn't into console gaming is going to spend 3-400 dollars on a brand new console because some ad on TV shows adults playing Tarantino gangsters?

This ISN'T the way non-gamers will suddenly start buying really expensive consoles. To me, this ad is merely trying to say, "our console is hip! if you buy it you'll be hip too!" and it just plain doesn't work like that.

There is as much a lack of a clear message here as it was in the ropeskipping commercial. Would you try to sell cars by having a couple guys standing in wading boots in a river fishing through the entire commercial? That's basically what MS is doing here.