Humus said:
As I see it, the reason you go so against socialism is that you've chosen just one out of many possibly definitions of socialism, and an outdated one IMO. Communism/Marxism etc are dead versions of socialism. What we tend to call socialism today is a welfare system which walks hand in hand with capitalism and not against it.
Well my friend I would like to answer this question in depth with some explanation of my bias against socialism in all its flavors. I am more then glad to explain my convictions to someone such as yourself. I don’t know if you are open minded about these matters. I would also warn that my critique of your political system (eg social democratic) is no sort of personal attack, unfortunately it may seem so but this is relative to the paternal system that social democracy and subsequently your country is. All that I can ask for is for you to understand my perspective on this, I don’t expect you accept it, just understand it.
Oh where to start ….. firstly there are such a wide variety of social democratic governments it does seem rather unfair to use a blanket definition such as socialism as a qualification of their varieties and I will give you that. But there are a number of glaring parallels between them so many in fact that what the vast majority of social democratic parties vying for the “third way†end up so very much looking like a socialist top down model. But there are matters that are not only happening elsewhere but also here in North America that are as equally disturbing as this wide spread move to the left leaning “third way “ models. What this amounts to is a break down in the social fabric that in a good democracy is a prerequisite. As I have already noted in my previous posting a state can still be totalitarian and democratic….. But it is not the tyranny of the elected officials but rather the incremental rights grab on a variety of levels by special interest groups. A tyranny of the minority if you like… but it is more then a simple demanding of certain “positive rightsâ€. In many instances these “positive rights†end up infringing on our “negative rightsâ€. (negative rights defined as rights that you don’t have to get from your government such as freedom of speech.) For example I used sexual harassment in the workplace during my last posting to show that freedom of speech as a civil right was being infringed on but also (something I did not elaborate on then BTW) that morality is being dictated by governmental policy on the same note. But this is only a small portion of the breakdown.
At this point I will try to explain about something that you may not be well familiar with simply because again of your countries invasive social policy. There are only two political models in reality and all systems can be made to fit into one or the other. The premise is fairly basic. The real ideal of all human society is to achieve community. It is how these communities are formed that is the mechanism you can use to help define the type of government or system that you live in. The two models are called the “bottom up system†and a “top down systemâ€.
The vastly more preferred system in academic realms are the “top down†models. The matter here being is that a “top down system†is one that is contrived from an engineering perspective. Oh BTW this is where I sight Sociology as the main culprit. I will try to diagram this for you, it works like this.
{Bottom up model} Freedom-> Individualism->cooperation-> COMMUNITY
{Top down model} Collectivism/Communalism/Government->Coercion->Obedience
I know the diagram is crude but it is the best I can manage and basically achieves the desired effect of showing how a top down model works.(or rather doesn’t.) From this we can see that real community cannot be achieved using the top down model. In the bottom up model where people are free to create a spontaneous community rather then a governmental contrived model people freely work together for a better community and it does this by affirming the value of each individuals choice to support community goals. But with a top down model a real community cannot be reached. Communalism/Socialism always produces the felling of obedience or …. rebellion and because it is imposed it does not produce the felling of a freely sustained bonding with the values of others. This can be seen as well in North America where we can see that human rights police, pay equity police, employment equity police, politically correct police, behavior police, language police(particularly in Quebec.) and all sorts of others with police type powers forcing citizens to behave in ways they never would consider without the threat of coerion. So as never before tyranny seems to thrive in a democratic system. In my opinion bad law making equates to the worst sort of tyranny.
Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.
--Thomas Jefferson
A real community comes from the bottom up model from the individuals and families that nurture them. It happens on voluntary cooperation between free human beings within the context of laws that forbid people to harm others and otherwise leave them alone in their freedom. This sort of arrangement lends way to a situation where there is a moral surplus and this is very positive community. In a top down model where many are subject to laws in place by the government the people suffer from a moral deficit as a result of the state intervention in social matters people don’t make their moral they must abide by what the system dictates to them. In a free society the government runs the government and stays out of our private lives. This runs very much in contrast to the rally cry of many leftist that the “personal is political†and the government ought to intervene. Individual responsibility, free will and political/economic freedom are prerequisites for a healthy society. All of which I might add are threatened by the proliferation of social democracy, the newest incarnation of collectivist top down models. While it isn’t horribly new to Sweden.
Since until recently there were very few social democratic states and most use the Swedish model as their guide in blazing their path on the “new†“third way†I propose to use that template for which to make my case against Social Democracy as socialism in sheep’s clothing.
Well first I will give you the definition as suggested by the academic community.
social democracy
: a political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means
Now I am directly on the topic of Sweden I feel that there is a necessary topic, that while not everyone agrees to on the conservative spectrum of things, I feel is far more important then it is given credence. That being once again the traditional family or natural family. I would suggest to others whom are likewise conservative minded that the notion of the traditional or natural family is not a lost cause at all. I would admit though injecting the moral fiber back into society with regards to the natural family would be most difficult…. but not impossible. I do think that it is possible to create a situation where family does play a more central role in the lives of people as it should. Simply remove the governmental social policies that make the notion of divorce more simple. (eg no fault divorce.) Now the simple fact of the matter is that marriage can be difficult and in some cases not reflected in the divorce rate BTW impossible. In the vast majority of cases though people are becoming married for the wrong reasons. Since the sexual revolution the notion that love was the primary or sole reason to become married has become the definition of what the institution of marriage is about but the simple fact of the matter is that this really never was the primary reason for the institution of marriage. Facts be known marriage was about family and raising that family.
The anti family tradition goes as far back as Plato’s Republic.
our men and women ….. should be forbidden by law to live together in separate household, and all the women should be common to all the men: similarly, children should be held in common, and no parent should know his child or child its parent.
Now there are some here whom have read the Republic I am sure. This Greek classic has become the template of all collectivist systems. Plato developed a model for the operation of the ideal state… the one in his head to stifle what he called the “law of degeneration†which supposedly causes the fall of civilizations. But in order to do this he decided that human freedom and moral agency would have to be destroyed. The subordination of all individual will to the common will (aka collective will) of the state, thus achieving “social harmonyâ€. The logic then flowed that
in order to guarantee this, the state must abolish private property and the family both of which according to Plato "breed envy and differences between its citizens". Inequality if you like. Then of course all women must be forced to lead the same life as men including military service.
While attending a university philosophy course I asked my professor (Whom is widely noted for his extensive study of Plato I might add.) what he thought Plato would think of our current social structure. He said something to the extent (not exact words mind you.) that all except for the family unit was basically in place and that this was a major problem for the realization of the Republic…Plato wanted to forbid marriage, childrearing by parents and to allow men to share all women in common. Further he wanted to have police whom were a special class of citizens labeled “guardians†whom were to be selected by the philosopher kings to impose the scheme. Also he wanted to impose selective breeding and the children of these select few would be raised by the state nurseries. Any children of the inferior guardians and any defective offspring would be quietly and secretly disposed of. Socrates thought that this
eugenic program would rid of the loyalties, affections and interests of the natural family system and recruit everyone for community service…… but if it is as some here on these forms have indicated and there is no hope left for the traditional family then indeed the Republic comes and there is little to stop the transformation to the collective hive.
What is disconcerting is the fact that Plato is held by generations of “ intellectuals†that admire him and his teachings as if these were brilliant. The real irony here is that Plato’s views are diametrically opposed to the ones on which our western society is based on… or used to be.
Rousseau also held contempt for family, property, wealthy people he wanted to replace them with an enforced egalitarianism after which there would not be allowed further revolutionary disorder. There are a lot of parallels between Plato’s thinking and Rousseau. Rousseau assumed that through a process of democratic –centralism the general will would always express the will of the people. Unfortunately it doesn’t work out that way. This is typical of the top down model that I explained earlier….Rousseau philosophy demanded total submission to the state he saw man as divided and the only thing that could remedy this was to have the state make him whole:
You must, therefore, treat citizens as children and control their upbringing and thoughts, planting the social law in the bottom of their hearts.
… [action]shiver[/action]
Marx was strongly influenced by hegel whom in turn was strongly influenced by Plato. Marx’s theories were to influence his friend Engels. In 1848 in their manifesto Marx and Engels wrote that :
the bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement {private property} vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capitalism.
In Engels book
The origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State. Engels articulates his hatred of the natural family. Engels believed that human societies evolved from an ancient stage in which they were controlled by women. Engels reasoning is that as society passed from a hunter /gatherer stage to an agrarian economy men gradually took over the production of the livestock wealth. My sakes didn’t the feminist grab a hold of this theory and run with it……Never mind the poor science behind it. It is no wonder there are so many Marxist feminists in the world. Engels claimed that private property was the source of this and the only way to eliminate all of the inequities that the institution of the family bring was to eradicate the institution of the family via the elimination of private property, force women into the labor market and turn their children over to the state. Here is a quote of one of his rants:
The overthrow of mother right was the world historical defeat of the female sex. The man took command in the home also; the woman was degraded and reduced to servitude; she became the slave of his lust and a mere instrument for the production of children.
The assumption is that men and women who marry are unconscious dupes devoid of caring for one another and that women have no control over their home or their sexual love. In Engels world woman have no lust nor any natural desire for children.
Engels answer to this problem isn’t a far cry form what Plato suggested.
the first condition for the liberation of the wife is to bring the whole female sex back into the public industry, and that this in turn demands that the characteristic of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society be abolished.
Then there are the feminist ….. Plato without a beard.

Simone de Beauvoir author of
The Second Sex in 1952 that is touted as some sort of manifesto of liberated women and anti male movement BTW states:
No woman should be authorized to stay home to raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one…
State affirmative action programs so called pay equity and employment equity programs, nationalized health and insurance schemes, unfunded pension plans and a host of so called regional disparity programs have the effect of destroying the work ethic whilst undermining the traditional family. Socialistic universal daycare programs are being fought for as some sort of “right†regardless of economic, social condition or need. This kind of thinking comes directly from the top down model I made reference to.
Humus it is the feminist isn’t it…. Sweden in 1970 created a taxation policy that disallowed the submission of joint family tax returns. If you want to strengthen the family you create tax policies that reward family formation. If you see the family as a thing that ought to be removed then you create tax polices that turn family formation into a losing economic game.
The Swedish experiment forced on the people of Sweden supported by radicals (cough feminist.) and their social engineers (Sociologist.) was brought mostly by two people… Gunnar and Alva Myrdal. He was an economist and she was a radical feminist sociologist that initially supported the family within an egalitarian state. By the early 1970s Alva however had become much more openly socialist. She fought heavily for the idea of equality, not for the right to compete on equal terms but rather for the idea of equal outcomes. Sweden quickly became the first social democratic state to be openly against the traditional family in Sweden’s political, economic and social policies. Myrdal called for in her report
Crisis in the Population Question 1934 the economic independence of married partners as a basic condition of equality. By this they meant that the focus of future policy would discourage traditional familial interdependence. Indeed Plato without a beard. It clearly suggests that the family unit ought to be abolished and people would live as autonomous units…. dependent on the state.
In a 1968 publication by the Swedish institute under the heading
The Family Is Not Sacred :
I should like to abolish the family as a means of earning a livelihood, let adults be economically independent of each other and give society a large share of responsibility for its children….. In such a society we could very well do without marriage as an institution.
This is the recipe for the atomization of the family as a social unit and with it the transformation of Sweden into a true welfare, dare I say? Totalitarian Democracy. Plato’s republic. People whom have thrown in the towel on the natural family ought to remember that the abolishment of this unit is the final bastion for Plato’s Republic. Sweden has all sorts of other demoralizing policy aimed at the breakdown of the natural family. In Sweden (as well as NA countries.) there are two kinds of families the natural family and single parents with children who on the condition they are not living as a married person hook themselves with the state as a substitute spouse/parent. Sweden is responsible for “anti-spanking†laws and revolutionary sex education morals that their society as well as ours suffers from even today.. Once the naturally occurring unit the tradition family is broken then society will not go into socialism in some massive revolution but rather be duped into its tyranny. There are no other obstacles. If you think that democracy and capitalism by themselves are enough I believe you are absolutely wrong both of which we can see operate within the social democratic( collectivist) methodology without the natural family.(father mother children.) The drive of the egalitarian state for equality at all cost and the leveling of society (and Bell curve, curiously it doesn’t allow for the leveling .) is however seemingly strong enough rational for the creation of a welfare state.
Another interesting development from this same government that brought you the breakdown of their family unit was the adoption of some rather bizarre genetic experiments. Curiously similar to the eugenics program Germany was involved with under Hitler and makes paralels with Plato's idea. Here is a quote from August 29, 1997, in the Washington Post.
From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers
Another oddity I have noticed is that Sweden’s “social democratic†government enjoyed some fantastic support from the late great Soviet Union. Interestingly enough in only a matter of a couple of years following the collapse of the Soviet Unions Communist government the Swedish model collapsed and quite hard. Now it seems they are realizing that they can’t afford all of their much vaunted social programs and are on some road of reform. Ironically we have a number of countries now attempting to create the same sort of social democracy using Sweden as their template. If you use one credit card to pay interest on another credit card and vice –versa for a very long time you can indeed create a situation conducive to the welfare state mentality. But the reality of the economic and moral processes inherent in welfare states eventually erode them from the inside out. Humus have the state openly stated they are going to throw out their egalitarian principles and policies? I don’t think so. Even in the face of the fall in the early nineties they won’t give up on these. Now that the people are so used to the state interference they can’t see the difference. Consider the debt of Sweden will never be dealt with …
When national debts have once accumulated to a certain degree, there is a scarce, I believe, a single instance of their having been fairly and completely paid {without depreciated currency}. The liberation of public revenue, if it has even been brought about at all, has always been brought about by a bankruptcy; sometimes by an avowed one, but always by a real one, though frequently by a pretended payment.
--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations
Consider the plight of the taxpayer in Sweden they are in the highest taxation bracket. What is the sense of being Capitalistic if the government takes in some cases upwards of 70% of your income, you might as well be lining up for the toilet paper for that. Where is the incentive to work harder. Indeed Sweden’s political economy sounds like a couch potatoes wet dream.
TANSTAAFL - There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.
--Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
Up until the fall of Sweden’s socialist government it was the only one that anyone dared to point out. Strictly speaking though and in all fairness Sweden is not socialist (A state that owns everything) it is a welfare state (one that controls everything.) But the distinction is minor in reality. Collectivism does not have to own anything to collectivize a country. They simply have to regulate and control society heavily possibly they took this same page from the National Socialist from Germany under Hitler.(I wonder at this point as to why Sweden did not oppose Germany in the second world war, or for that matter why Germany did not have any hostilities with Sweden...ahh who knows maybe their governments shared similiar convicitons.) But the idea that the state does not own things is irrelevant except in principle. Consider you own a vehicle but for some strange reason I control whom uses it where it goes and so on, where are the benefits of the ownership if one has no control.
I don’t understand the need for more collectivism. Society without a social engineering government is already a collective or sorts so without government intervention there is not a need for balance between individuals and the collective the bottom up style achieves community without intervention. We ought to reject a government-imposed morality that uses courtrooms as their means of implementing government social engineering. People instead of relying on the neo socialist welfare state/social democrats for their well being ought to look after their selves and their own children to avoid the sterile tyranny of the Platonic model inherited though collectivist mentalities. The top down model from which collectivist of all varieties is in the end an absolute tyranny and at first while the state appears to be working with the best of intentions for the general well being of all
will force (at least try to) or dupe its model on a population rather then the population being free to create and follow its own moral convictions. Hence my sig “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.â€
This is the Borg Collective, Prepare to be assimilated. We will add your biological and technological distinctives to our own. You will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
I beg to differ and you can tell the borg queen I won't be assimilated. hehe.