ATI vs NVIDIA @ PC Perspective

How the <bleep> is anyone supposed to derive any benefit from these benchmark graphs?

Easy...they give you an idea of the performance trend for each card in a given game...Things got a bit hectic once two NVIDIA cards showed up Friday morning... :?

Part 2 will be more thorough and will not have 5 cards on a single plot...Check back on Monday and I promise you'll like what you see...
John Reynolds said:
How the <bleep> is anyone supposed to derive any benefit from these benchmark graphs?


Well, it tells you that Nvidia is cool colors, and ATI is warm colors. Duh.
Eronarn said:
John Reynolds said:
How the <bleep> is anyone supposed to derive any benefit from these benchmark graphs?


Well, it tells you that Nvidia is cool colors, and ATI is warm colors. Duh.

LOL holy crap...umm..nice rainbow.. i think i see a butterfly in there somewhere...

This must be one of those cases where the meaning is lost in the detail. offence..but you're going to get more reactions along the lines of what John said.
Not meaning to troll here, but people would prefer to wait a few more days and have a decent, through review, rather than one that was just rushed for NDA, to the point of being unusable.
Evidently, I need a crayon and a ruler for some...

Reading the review, you see that the plot is representative of playing through a level in FarCry or whatever game. The title was run three times per setting with the average run being used...

Looking at each plot, you can see how the fps changes over time throughout the level. The only issue here is the fact that the plot shows 5 cards at once versus the much cleaner look with two or three boards. If dealing with five lines instead of three for a week causes you that much trouble, you are in need of more help than I could possibly provide.

pelly said:
If dealing with five lines instead of three for a week causes you that much trouble, you are in need of more help than I could possibly provide.


But we already have to remember so many OTHER numbers! X800, 6800, R420, NV40, FP32... aaaaach! :cry:
pelly said:
Easy...they give you an idea of the performance trend for each card in a given game...Things got a bit hectic once two NVIDIA cards showed up Friday morning... :?

Hmm... how surprising that a competing IHV would send you some new cards now don't you think?

Part 2 will be more thorough and will not have 5 cards on a single plot...Check back on Monday and I promise you'll like what you see...

I'll wait for that then. A review without image quality analysis is useless to me.

How come the 6800GT seems to benchmark higher than the 6850/6800 Ultra Extreme SuperSized?

Granted, I'm only looking at the graph, which indicates they're running at same level of details. Is there some verbage stated elsewhere explaining the 6800GT is running with lower details? Maybe I should review the review, eh? ;)
BRiT said:
How come the 6800GT seems to benchmark higher than the 6850/6800 Ultra Extreme SuperSized?

Once the resolution is increased to 1600*1200, we see that the graphics cards are suddenly faced with a considerable workload. It is no surprise that the Radeon X800 XT Platiunum Edition is thriving on these stressful settings. Somewhat surprising is the strange performance of the GeForce 6800 GT. Please note the driver bug at the bottom of the page as this likely has no small part in these results.

Good job at reading the article :rolleyes:
I said I didn't read the article. I only looked at this thread.
The point is not what the graphis represent, but the fact that it's impossible to tell the lines apart in the jumble of overlapping closely colored lines. I think that's the point John ws making.

A simple table at the bottom of each chart with average framerates would have made it clearer.
Those types of graphs should only be used to supplement other graphs or numbers. They're simply meant to show where video cards' strengths and weaknesses differ during the benchmark. Even then, they have to be accompanied by an explanation or details on what is going on at those points.
Ratchet said:
The point is not what the graphis represent, but the fact that it's impossible to tell the lines apart in the jumble of overlapping closely colored lines. I think that's the point John ws making.

A simple table at the bottom of each chart with average framerates would have made it clearer.

Exactly. Instead we get snide comments insulting our intelligence from a person who apparently can't understand such graphs are worthless to his readers.

P.S. Crayons rule!
I tried to clear some jumble off the graph by picking up my monitor, glass side down, and shaking it. Clearly I spent too much time in my youth with an Etch-a-sketch.