ati chat 9. sept.

just a quick note, the time is 11AM PST/2PM EST and more information will follow at a slightly later date :)
ben6 said:
aww can't make it digital?
Naw, just got me kids back in school today so I actually got some free time now as a matter of fact.

It's just being all perma-banned at Rage3D I don't really feel all welcome going to a Rage3D chat.
aw, i'd say the ban gives you all the more reason to show up. ;)

seriously though, what did they ban you for?
Digi you should come ratchet is the only one who will bitch and ill take care of him (if he even shows up) most of the betatesters SHOULD be their and be AT LEAST voiced for this chat as we all know what it will be about and we know more of the this is how you use this and functionality and current state and everything

I personally invite you Digi and hope you will come
Man it be nice if i became a beta tester !!! darn u all.

Oh well back to the other ways in which i find my news

*thinks to himself "where did i put that eye of newt for the spell of vision ?" *
T2k said:
jvd said:
but i already did this by hand !

Me too - though once only, more than a year ago IIRC... :LOL:
i did it on unreal 2k3 i believe. hehe

Anyway if its true and the new control panel is this month then they will certianly talk about the new app specific optimizations , the instancing feature , the game profile feature and some other things inside of the control panel
FYI the chat will be on the Catalyst Control Center with guests : Andrew Dodd, Terry Makedon, and Jon Carvill. Hope to see some regulars from here there :). And digitalwanderer, AFAIK you're welcome to join the chat. :D
gandalfthewhite said:
Digi you should come ratchet is the only one who will bitch and ill take care of him (if he even shows up) most of the betatesters SHOULD be their and be AT LEAST voiced for this chat as we all know what it will be about and we know more of the this is how you use this and functionality and current state and everything

I personally invite you Digi and hope you will come
First of all, no one is "banned" from the chat, all are welcome and encouraged to join. No need to personally invite anyone.
Secondly, I couldn't care less where John is or where he wants to go or what he wants to do so you won't see any "bitching" from me if he makes it to the chat or not.
Thirdly, this is an ATI chat hosted by Rage3D, not the beta-testers, so no beta-tester should expect any special treatment when the time comes... they will certainly not be given a voice (*wonders when beta-testing became a status symbol).

Finally... and GOD DAMNIT ALREADY, it's THERE, not THEIR!

dude calm down i was playing around

and from what im hearing it is likely that terry is going to want us voiced

Ratchet said:
Finally... and GOD DAMNIT ALREADY, it's THERE, not THEIR!